The Tournament

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After seryu's battle with tatsumi she managed to lose her memory of that fight and not even stylish could find out why but the commander let it go saying that it was a waste of time.

Tatsumi was going through the capital and because of his travels people call him THE LONG HAIR WANDERER because of where he goes and he could tell people were talking about him.

"Hey can I get a shot of whiskey?" he says nicely while putting on a friendly face. "certainly sir, coming right up!" the bartender gave him a shot of whiskey as tatsumi gave him 20 gold coins and drank it.

"So you're the Long Hair Wanderer, I must say you don't act like that at all!" a man said behind him as tatsumi turned around.

"Well i'm not like the rumors say I am!" the man nods in agreement and they start to have a chat "so where you from?" tatsumi drinks another shot of whiskey "i'm from a village in the far south, it never stops snowing!" he says as he stops drinking.

"The south huh?, I've never heard about snowing over there but things happen!" tatsumi then nods as he and the stranger part ways. "Man, the people here are actually nice for once!, good to know" he then goes to a nearby inn and stays there for the night.

As he gets his room key he gets ready for a quick shower but as he looks at himself in the mirror he sees the scar on his chest.

Tatsumi puts his hand over his scar remembering something he wants to forget.


"Man, there's just no end to these guys are there?" he says to someone he's fighting alongside with. "Yeah but don't worry, we'll be out of here eventually!" tatsumi nods as he releases more aura as soldiers come running at him.

"TYRANT DRAGON ROAR!" tatsumi shouts as he shoots a pillar of red fire wiping out what looks like most of the troops "ah! these guys are annoying!" he says while kicking and punching the enemies away.

"Hey, you doing okay over pal?" he says to his teammate but wasn't getting a response until he turned around and saw him impaled with spears "Wha-No!, what happened?" his teammate was coughing up blood as he was struggling to breathe.

"Sorry, they got me!" tatsumi nods as he starts to tear up "Alright, i'm gonna lift you out, and we're gonna get out of here, okay!" his teammate shakes his head "No-the-there's no time-just go" tatsumi shakes head still trying to get him off the spears.

"I can't do that!, i'm not leaving you!" tatsumi hears footsteps behind him and sees someone launching a energy attack and tatsumi decided to take the hit in order to save his friend, which he did but he ended up scaring himself as a result.

"I'm a lost cause anyway!, just go!" tatsumi starts to tear up as he turns around and starts running away "Thank you! tatsumi, you gave me a good life" he says as he dies while giving a smirk. "Dammit!, can't I save anyone anymore?" he says to himself as he runs away while putting pressure on his wound.


"I'm sorry! that I couldn't save you back then, but I won't stop even if I die!" tatsumi finally hops in the shower and stays in their enjoying the hot water before putting on his cape and trousers still being wet until he lights himself on fire drying himself and his hair immediately.

"Alright i'm tired, i'm out!" he says to himself as he falls asleep instantly.


"Commander?" seryu asks while eating "Yes" she replies "when you're not working, what sort of things do you like to do in your free time?" her commander starts spinning her wine glass.

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