Night raid vs Mad scientist

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"Hngh, I think we may have celebrated a bit too much for tatsumi's return!, i'm so tired!" leone then headed outside and leaned down to look in some bath water until she saw another face in the reflection.

"Huh?" leone then fell to the ground while man came from nowhere giving a huge smile. "I've done it master stylish!" and on a mountain top stylish and three other people were standing behind him. "That's my knight in shining armour!, always going into the enemy's base!, alright go team stylish!, the dapper offensive is officially underway!" multiple people wearing blank masks jumped jumped behind stylish and headed for night raids base.

Lubbock was running down an empty hallway while his strings were being spun at a high rate. "Holy crap! where'd they all come from all of a sudden?, they're right on top of us!" then one of stylishes soldiers came down from the ceiling. "How the hell did they even get in?" the the soldier looked at lubbock "the enemy must be killed!" he then swung at lubbock with metal claws but lubbock was able to dodge and wrap multiple wires around the guy's neck and twisted.

"I need to find the rest of the team now!" as he continued to hold the man in place he somehow didn't die and surprised lubbock with a strike. 

"It sounds like they got one!" a girl with huge animal ears said to the doctor. "Well, my enhanced fighters are more resilient than humans!. It takes serious finesse to even put a scratch on them!" the girl then twitched her ears and looked down and the doctor was curious. "Is there some kind of problem?" the girl then looked back at stylish "Not really, but they seem pretty resilient themselves!".


As smoke cleared lubbock made some wire around his body to make some sort of armour. "You'd be amazed to see how many tricks I can do with this little bit of string, CHECK THIS OUT!" lubbock then showed multiple wires and the man still charged at him while lubbock made a spear weapon from his string. "ALL I HAVE TO DO IS BIND THEM TOGETHER AND...VOILA!"  lubbock then threw the spear dead in the mans chest and with one final breath the man said "so...creative!"

"I saw that in a manga one time, you wouldn't believe it but they have pretty good ideas about how to manipulate string!" he then heard some noise coming behind him "crap, another one" but to his surprise there were multiple not just one. "Nope, more than one!. Listen i'm not good with groups, I think i'm gonna pass on you guy's if that's cool?" and without any hesitation lubbock ran down the hallway as fast as he could but they slowly caught up.

"Crap they're fast!" as he continued running a figure jumped in front of all of them and stood behind him. "Stay behind me lubbock" lubbock was surprised to see who it was "Akame!" lubbock shouted as the army of crawlers started crawling really fast. but in a flash akame got rid of all of them except one.

"Impressive for a couple of thugs!" a man wearing small glasses stepped out of the shadows. "You can call me toby, and I'm here to battle you one on one akame!" he then made two blades pop out from his arm and charged at her.

Akame managed to land a hit on him something was off, her blade just bounced right off. "I knew it, his entire body is mechanical". As their fight went on 2 giants came from the roof and faced lubbock "Giants huh?, OKAY!"


"I didn't expect to be attacked the day I came back but either way, they will not leave here alive!" tatsumi then put on incursio and it had dragon like wings and a more dragon like appearance and headed outside to face an army of stylishes creations. As tatsumi jumped down he was getting rid of the entire army in seconds "Hey you in the tin can?" tatsumi turned around and saw a man with huge hands holding a gigantic scissors. "Those scissors?" tatsumi said "Oh these?, the shears of creation extase, just picked these up!". Tatsumi was mad to see a weapon of a dear friend be wielded by some working with the empire.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2020 ⏰

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