Have you ever thought about why you make the choices you do? Why when you want to make a certain choice you make another? Why do you react or not react a certain way?
Have you ever thought about a video game, how you control everything? Well, almost everything. Could you be in a video game?
Say you are in a video game, that explains why you can't think another person's thoughts. This is why you can't control another person's actions.
There is a game maker, some call it a god but you may not think that way. The game maker controls everything, sets a person's goal and things for you to achieve in your lifespan of being in this game. The game maker also created everyone around you but they also have their goals, they were planned.
What if you weren't supposed to exist, what if you were a bug in this game. You don't belong here and now you are surviving without a purpose. You continue living even though you know everyone that was planned wants you gone because you disrupt their software.
This is just a theory, but a valid one I believe.
Meaningful tales that mean nothing
Short StoryHere I am, going to write short stories about not myself but my soul I guess, the thoughts I have and keep to myself as I'm inside the shower or bored in class because no one would listen if I told them. Warning thoughts of suicide and other like th...