The Little Girl in the Blue Dress

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I opened my eyes to see kids screaming and jumping off the walls and adults dying slowly of diesease.  Some kids were yelling at their parents to hang in there and it will get better only to watch them die. I stood thee shocked and couldn't blink. an adult crawled up to my leg and felt my skin with his nails saying "I wish I had skin again". This mad me stumble backward into a little boy with tears in his eyes saying "She is playing with us, none of this is real." who is this she that he spoke of? I thought to myself as my eyes got tired of staying open.


I shudder my eyes as they open and I'm in a white room.  there are piping on the walls and gashes in the ceiling. There is a little girl standing in front of me in a little blue dress and she had a blue bow in her hair, she had ragged black hair that needed a trim and no shoes. Her skins was scarred, dented, bloody yet perfect. She was moving her hands in a sort of art formation playing with strings it looked like as she looked right at me. I noticed there were ghost like things floating around her. They were corpse shadows of the children's parents and she was controlling them with the flick of her wrist. I couldn't even move as her eyes pierced into my soul and i felt myself starting to move. She says her name is Ana Lee.


I open up my eyes again to the feel of blankets on top of me. I am sitting at a computer desk and there is a piece of paper in front of me that is glowing that says turn on the light, your going crazy. I oblieged and turned onthe lights only yo see I as in a empty white room.


I open my eyes and i smell something familiar. My room, my bed, my sheets, my home. I sit up and realize it was all a dream.

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