5; Crazy Fools

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        At the end of the period, I grabbed my books and tried to remain as inconspicuous as possible while leaving the room, wedging myself between Lorenzo and JR, who were talking about a sex scene in some movie. When we entered the lunchroom, I threw my stuff in my locker and grabbed my lunch. 

        "Come on," I said to Ben as I practically sprinted for the deck outside.

        "What's the rush?" Ben asked, following me with ease. He sat down a bench with me outside and started biting into his daily ham and mustard sandwich.

        "I really don't want to talk to that Cohen guy." I shook my head and shoved some blueberries into my face. I had picked them from the mountain yesterday after my parents went out to dinner together.

        "Why? He seems cool," said Ben with his mouth full.

        "Just something about him while he was talking to me today. He was being way too friendly."

        "What's wrong with that?" 

        Ben peeled an orange for myself and lay down on the bench, pulling his beanie over his eyes to block out the sun.

        "I dunno . . just . ." I began, before spotting a tall figure standing in the doorway of the school. It was Mr. Cohen. He had his hands folded behind his back and was smiling at me. He beckoned me over. "See ya later Ben," I muttered and sheepishly grinned back at my teacher.

        I followed him down the hallway and to his room, where he held the door open for me again. 

        "Sit," he said, "Did you really think you could escape me?" There was a teasing look on his face. I scrunched my shoulders together and bent my head, wanting to become as small as possible.

        "What did you want to talk to me about?" I said.

        "Your parents came to the school yesterday," he said, "They came to me and showed me your writings."

        I sat bolt upright in an instant. 

        "They gave you my poetry?!?" I practically screamed. I couldn't fucking believe those filthy pieces of scum! How could they do this to me? What would they do next, set up cameras in my bathroom? Mr. Cohen looked slightly confused.

        "No, no! . . I had no idea you were a poetess," (Good god this dude) said Mr. Cohen in a mixture of defensiveness and delight, "No, they came to me because they're very concerned about your innocence."

        I smirked at that, trying not to show just how angry and frantic I was.

        "Bit too late for that, I suppose," I said. Mr. Cohen lifted his eyebrows.

        "What I mean to say is, they showed me a story that Birdy sent you recently, and that they think you might have collaborated with her on. They wanted the school to take action against Birdy for it, saying that they view her as a predator. They actually expected us to call the police," he said. My jaw dropped.

        "What?? You didn't, did you? Birdy's not going to get expelled, right??" I was reeling. This was insane, absolutely insane. Did my parents really think that if they got Birdy arrested I would never become a lesbian with her? Mr. Cohen shook his head, furrowing his brow.

        "Of course not! Your father was furious though. He stood over me breathing down my neck the entire time I was reading it, but I told him that I thought it was just literature. Very well written literature, at that, and with a happy ending. I really don't understand what it is they found shocking enough in it to want to throw Birdy out of school!" he said. I could have cried with relief.

        "Oh, good," I said, and relaxed my fingers, which I realized had been cluching my hair at the scalp this entire time. 

        "You know, I'm going to try and help you two in any way I can," he said in a soft voice. His eyes were burning with pity, and something else that I couldn't pinpoint. "I had read your freewrite before they showed up, actually, and I can see why you're in such distress. I don't think I've met such unreasonable people in my life," he said, shaking his head in disbelief.

        "I know," I said, "My family's crazy. They think I'm a lesbian." His eyes shot back to mine and I wished I hadn't said that. "I'm gunna go eat my lunch now," I said quickly. I was already at the door when he said,

        "Wait. Kathryn, if there's anything either of you need, you'll tell me alright? I'm here to help you." 

        "Okay," I mumbled, and walked back out to the deck to find Benjamin sleeping on the bench, his orange peel resting on his chest. It was time to talk to Birdy.

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