Chapter 7 - Bokuto

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The slow beeping of a machine beside me was the first thing I heard as consciousness came back to me.

The hospital? Why was I here? I tried hard to remember and suddenly it all came back to me.

My father punching me repeatedly. The excruciating pain I felt when my arms and legs broke.

My eyes focused on a fixed position, staring intensely. I wondered... wondered if he had kept all his anger bottled up just to release all of it upon me in his biggest 'outburst' yet?

I sat there for a while thinking of insignificant things when the doors loudly burst open.

As my eyes adjusted to the light that filtered through the door, they settled on a figure. I squinted to see them better.

The light slowly disappeared, revealing the person that I needed the most right now and relief flooded through me.


He looked as if he had been dragged through a bag backwards.

He sluggishly made his way towards me and collapsed next to the bed.

"Bo-kuto! Are - you -okay?" He asked while he gasped for air.

"Yeah dude I'm good but... what about you?" I replied, laughing slightly at the tone of my voice.

"Never mind that," He said, embracing me tightly.

"Eww, no seriously what have you been doing? Your so sweaty!" I exclaimed, wiping my arms,  which were now wet, on the sheets.

Akaashi took a few quick breaths and then explained that he only just found out that I was here, how the teacher let him come see me and that he had sprinted non stop all the way here.

"'Kaashi! You should be in the Olympics!" I shouted, raising my arms up in the process. A sharp pain shot through my arm and it was only then that I remembered that my arm was broken.

Akaashi snorted. It was so cute. He was so cute. Why am I only realising this now? Of all places, the hospital is where I realise that I'm in love.

~~Time skip to when Bokuto is healed~~

~~School: Lunch Time~~

This is it! This is the day!

I checked the date of my phone. 18th December. Wow, only 7 days until Christmas. I will have to get Akaashi a present.

Anyway! Let's not get distracted. Focus. You're going to ask Akaashi out.

I took a deep breath and marched confidently towards mine and Akaashi's meet up place.

A few seconds later, Akaashi appeared and made his way over to me.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey" I paused, "'Kaashi! Can I... um... ask you something?"

He looked up at me, clearly confused as to why I was flustered.


"Um... do you like anyone? As in like like them?" I shuffled my feet nervously.

"Yeah. And just so you know, its a boy."

I lightened up at that.

"Could you describe what he is like?"

"Hmm... well... he's an extrovert, he loves meat dishes, his hair is..." he looked like he was struggling for words, "amazing. And his build, he's so muscly. Oh! And he plays volleyball!" He finished looking dreamily into the sky.

I looked down. So not me. "Oh. 'Kay then. Let's go get lunch." I started to walk off, my head held low.

As I walked I heard him sigh with annoyance. He quickly walked towards me, grabbed my arm and; believe me, I did not see this coming; kissed me quite passionately.

I stood there, rigid but after a second, accepted it and kissed back with just as much force.

When we broke apart, breathing heavily, I shot him a puzzled look.

"But... I thought... you liked the... extroverted meat dish loving-" realisation struck me. I'm  an extroverted, meat dish loving guy.

"Please tell me I'm not that stupid" I laughed.

Akaashi shook his head, "no, Bokuto, you are  that stupid."

I looked at him sadly, "Akaashi!-" I moaned.

"But, you're my stupid." he cut in.

He pecked me on the cheek and I could feel my face burning.

"I love you, 'Kaashi."

"I love you too, Bokuto."

To be continued...

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