Chapter 8 - Akaashi

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Hello! Sorry about no uploading for..... however long it has been. Let me start by explaining why. I have had absolutely no motivation for anything recently and to be frank, didn't feel like updating anything. I apologise deeply for this. Secondly, since this quarentine thing has started, everything has been quite frantic. Online school things like that. But the other day, I came on here and I saw some comments on this story of people asking me to publish another chapter, and saying how much they have been enjoying this story.. and that, it gave me motivation. So I just want to say thank you to those people who said that and got me back on track again. I cannot promise it wont happen again but I will try my hardest to publish chapters when I can. Thanks for everything - Author~sama

P.S Akaashi is going to have a wealthy family. I have no idea what his family is actually like and I don't know whether they are rich or poor. This is just for the story. 

I unlocked the door to my house, the adrenalin still coursing through my body from kissing Bokuto.

I grinned to myself. He was mine, all mine. I think I must be the luckiest person in the world.

I stepped quietly into my house. Many people don't know this, but my parents are quite wealthy. All they care about is their social status.

I slowly made my way to the stairs so I could relax in my room. But before I had even made it halfway, I heard my mother calling me.

"Akaashi! I hope you haven't forgotten what you do when you enter this household?" She exclaimed in her proud tone of voice.

I sighed. Was it always going to be like this? "No ma'am!" I shouted back.

I trudged into the kitchen. which was where my mothers calls had come from. Once I entered the room, I stood infront of my parents.

"Well?" my father asked. I rolled my eyes and walked over to him. "Hello, Sir" I said as I kissed him on the cheek. I did the same with my mother.

"Good. Now go to your room. We don't need you down here, and frankly, we don't want you down here. Go do whatever you teenage boys do." My mother said as she waved me off with her hand.

I hurried out of the room, relieved to not have to deal with their shit any more.

I ran up the stairs and into my bedroom, slamming the door behind me.

I hated this family. How much I wished I had a family that actually loved me.

That night, I cried myself to sleep, wishing that Bokuto was here beside me.

~Time skip brought to you by the Knights who say Ni!~

Me and Bokuto have been dating for about a month now.

Its been going quite well, but nothing significant has happened.

There is one thing I have been noticing though. Bokuto seems to be relying on me a lot to help him with his troubles. And, to be honest, I don't mind.

What I do mind though, is how he isn't asking me about, well... me. From what I know, he doesn't know anything about me, and I know quite a bit about him.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, he's not paying much attention to me. To my feelings. He's not noticed how lately, I've not been myself. Even I've noticed.

I just expected this relationship to be less one sided, with the love being equally shared. Because at the minute, it feels as if I'm the one giving all of the love.

*In the library*

Bo has asked me to help him study. And me, being the helpful person I am, agreed.

He asked me to meet him in the library at 12:30. It is currently 12:25, so I'm a little early.

Since this is the case, I have decided to browse the sports section, wondering if there would be a book on volleyball.

What I didn't expect however, was to see Bokuto here too.

I was just about to call out to him, when a brown haired boy came from nowhere and kissed Bo on the cheek.

I saw him whisper something into his ear and then walked off.

I stood there in shock as a blush appeared on Bokuto's face. His eyes connected with mine and he rushed over to me.

"'Kaashi! Its not what it looks like. I honestly have no idea who that guy was." He sounded sincere, so me being me, I believed him.

I nodded my head.

Relief spread over his face and he grasped my hands in his.

"'Kaashi. I need your help again. Its my dad, hes getting even more rough!" he said worriedly. "Could I maybe stay at your place for a while?"

Thats it! I give up! This is like the 20th time this month. I can't take it anymore! I love him, yes! But I want him to love me just as much.

Bokuto looked confused, obviously seeing the anger spread across my face.

I snapped.

"Really Bouto?! Again! Okay look, I want to help, but this is getting out of hand! I know its hard, but you need to talk to someone else about this. I'm in no position to help you. Because if you hadn't noticed, which you would have if you had bothered to ask me about my life, I have my own family problems to deal with!" I yelled.

At this point, tears streamed down my face. All eyes were on us, but I didn't care. I was too angry and fustrated to care.

I stared at Bokuto for a second, before running out of the library.

I hop you enjoyed this chapter. It might have been really bad as I am out of practice. As I said at the beginning, I will try to upload as much as I can. Thanks for reading :)


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