Worth Living For

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About ten years ago there was a girl. She was very lonely and everyone hated her because she had an opinion of her own and dressed differently. She had one best friend that was always there for her. But, one day, her only friend died. That was just the beginning of it. Her mom died about a year before. Her dad's girlfriend left him, which made him resort to alcohol. He started getting meaner until one day he slapped her. What hurt her the most is how her dad always said he'd be there for her. The beatings began that day and became more frequent and longer. She would go to school with bruises and cuts all over her face but no one ever asked. Ever cared. One day she had enough, she snuck into her house and packed a small bag of clothes and ran into the woods. She knew no one would look for her, but she kept running. She stayed in a rundown house. It was abandoned but she didn't care. In the few days she was there she fell into depression and started to self harm in anyway that she could. When her face was healed for the most part she went walking until she was at an empty bridge. She stood at the very edge with tears gathering in her eyes. She would have a note in her hand if she thought someone would care, but she knew otherwise. She was one step away from ending it all when she herd it. A small sniffle. She gasped and fell back, looking around the bridge. In the middle of the road there was a figure. It was tall and skinny. She stood up and slowly made her way over. He looked at her with big, blue, tear filled eyes and chucked nervously. "I'm going to take a guess and say you aren't planing to leave this bridge alive," he said slowly. She shook her head no and replied with "And I'm guessing you're not either." He stands up slowly and said "Trust me jumping off this bridge brings you nothing but unwanted pain," he said to her flinching as he remembered what it felt like. "Yeah well it has to be better than how I feel," she whispered the tears she held back so long threatening to leave her eyes. "Trust me. Even if you're doing this to get away from someone, that's where you'll go. Back to them," the sadness in his voice got to her; the tears came streaming down her eyes as she fell to the ground sobbing. "Everyone should have someone. Should feel like they're worth living for. So promise me one thing, don't hurt yourself because it will end up hurting me," he ended staring into her eyes. She nodded her head yes and with nothing but each other ,no house no money nothing, the fell asleep in each others arms feeling the happiest they've ever been.


OMG! I have no clue where that came from. Like seriously. I was legit crying as I wrote this. Please request things :( Anywhore I'm gonna work on other stuff now... I love you guys <3 -Alice

P.S I do know how to make paragraphs I just thought it would be better this way so I purposely did that

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2013 ⏰

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