Chapter 6

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3rd person pov

Both of them sat in silence, both of them were lost in their own thoughts. one was confused about his feelings while the other was confused about everything that was happening. they were so lost in their thoughts that they didnt realize when they had arrived, "sir? ma'am? we've arrived" Ara smiled at the driver and quietly thanked him, she opened the door and stepped out, shivering as she did so. Taehyung remembered that she had hurt her ankle and so he opened his side of the car door and walked out. he went to her and held her by her waist,

as she looked shocked. Taehyung cant helped but mutter "cute" under his breath for the second time that night. out of instinct, Ara put her arm on Taehyung's shoulder as he slowly walked her to her house. Both of them too lost in the moment to say anything, quietly walked back to the particular house. As they arrived at the door, Taehyung halfheartedly let go of her waist, Ara already missing the warmth shook her head and let go of his shoulder as well. She took off the coat and shivered when the cold air hit her shoulder again.

But with a small thankful smile she gave the coat back to the taller male, Ara had never thanked Taehyung for the past 10 years so she just couldnt mutter out the words, however Taehyung knew through that genuine thankful smile what she was trying and wanting to say so he gave back one of his. the driver watched the cute scene from his car and couldnt help but smile too, "I wish they could just make up already" he whispered to himself. Ara opened her door and walked in, she gave Taehyung another smile before closing the door shut. It was amazing how they both understood each other even without the use of words, maybe that's why they had such a good chemistry when they were younger, never leaving each other.

in that moment everything seemed so perfect however Taehyung knew the reality was far from that. With a sigh, he walked back to his car while putting on his coat which now smelled more of Ara. He opened the back seat and got in, "To my house" he simply told the driver who once again nodded and started the car. Taehyung leaned back on his seat and reminded himself why they separated, "mom wouldnt be proud of me if I hung out with her, she did bring disappointment to our family afterall. but was what she said 10 years ago really true? Would my uncle do such a thing? naah I don't think so. but then why would she lie? ugh, I need to remember that I hate her."

The driver was listening to music so he didnt hear what Taehyung was muttering but even if he did it wouldn't matter since he already knows what Taehyung was talking about, he already knows the incident that happened 10 years ago. He stopped the song he was playing and told Taehyung, "Sir, we're here" Taehyung muttered a small thank you and got out of the car, he quickly walked to his mansion and typed the passcode before hearing a robotic voice "you may enter" the huge metallic gates opened as Taehyung stepped on to the pathway that led to his mansion. once he finally entered his beautiful house, he was greeted with his mother who hugged him so tightly he thought he would die right on the spot.

finally he managed to choke out "m-mom, i-i-i c-cant b-bre-the" his mom let him go and only then he saw the fear and tears in her eyes, "mom? why are you crying? what's wrong?" he asked cautiously as he cupped her face and wiped the tears that were falling. "son, I'm so sorry for assuming things like that and creating such a big scene out of nothing. when you left and we couldn't find you I got so scared. we thought something happened to you,so we searched all over for you. and when Jungkook told me everything that happened in the police station I got even more worried, I-I really thought I would lose you." his mother cried her heart out and hugged her confused looking son, Taehyung was confused because his mom looked really terrified when this wasnt that big of a thing to be scared of.

and what did she mean by she thought she would lose him? what's the worst that could've happened? Taehyung was bought back to his sense when he heard his mom's cries and just simply caressed her back. 'it was probably her mother instincts that caused her to worry so much' he thought to himself and decided not to think so much about it. He looked over to the clock and saw that it was past 1, he's had quite the adventure so he decided to go to bed but not before meeting his 'baby' and wishing her goodnight. He told his mom who finally got ahold of herself and let him go. The young and tired boy walked out to the garage and saw his black shiny Mercedes Benz parked, he ran over to it and hugged it while whispering, "hello baby, you won't believe what happened, but it's a really long story and I'm sleepy so I'll tell you tmr." anyone who looked at the boy might call him crazy but he just loved his car so much.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2020 ⏰

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