Chapter 2

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3rd person pov
"ugh I'm tired" Ara complained as she stood inside the principal's office. "well if you went along with my idea we wouldn't be here right now" Taehyung rolled his eyes and scoffed, "because of you now I have to be here as well" Taehyung annoyingly sighed. "excuse me? your idea was to yeet out of the window, and run back home. something like that was impossible since your house is like 40mins away from here even while driving. how the f*ck would've that plan worked?!" Ara exclaimed clearly annoyed even more as that idea was the stupidest she has heard (except for the time Taehyung made the fire alarm go off just so he can skip classes easily) Taehyung looked to his side and scoffed again, "first of all, I could've called my driver to come so that I can go back home, second of all how to you know where I live huh? i knew it! you're a stalker" Ara facepalmed and looked at him, she raised her eyebrow and sighed before saying "Taehyung - ah, WE LIVE IN THE SAME NEIGHBORHOOD AND WE SEE EACH OTHER EVERY F*CKING MORNING"

Taehyung flinched from her loud voice and was about to reply back with something stupid again when, "CAN YOU BOTH HAVE SOME RESPECT FOR ME, I'VE BEEN SITTING HERE FOR THE PAST HALF AN HOUR TRYING TO DISCIPLINE YOU BOTH!" Both of them turned to their principal who looked tired, like damn tired. Taehyung, looked at him and said "well at least you're sitting, we're standing. didnt your parents tell you that you should be more respectful towards you're guests?" Ara looked at Taehyung with an unbelievable expression, she nudged him with her elbow and muttered "shut the f*ck up" The principal looked at him with a smirk, "well, i dont know about my parents but I do know that yours wont be too happy if they find out that I kicked you out of the school, now will they hmm?" The principal, laid back on his chair with the smirk still plastered on his face as he looked at Taehyung right in the eyes. Taehyung scoffed again and went closer to his desk.

Taehyung put his hand on the principal's desk and leaned forward, confidently looking into the principal's eyes, he smirked and said "you know very well how rich my parents are, I dont mean to brag but they can easily close down this whole university and ruin your life, then what will you do hmm? go to your ex wife? and how will you take care of your 4 kids hmm? who by the way still dont know that they dont have a mother anymore," the principal looked so shocked and nervous that Ara herself couldnt help but be shocked as well.

looking at the principal's expression taehyung chuckled and continued, "you know very well, my parents and I know everything about you and yet you have the nerve to challenge me, how pathetic." The principal stared at Taehyung, completely speechless. Ara too was speechless as she looked at Taehyung from the back, millions of questions were running through her head, 'how the hell does he know all of this? wow he calls me a stalker but he is one himself. what else does he know? is he some sort of secret agent or something? what if he belongs in a mafia gang? nah he's too stupid to be in either one of them. wh-' before anyone could do anything, there was a knock on the door. at first no one moved a muscle, the tension was so high.

but finally Ara opened the door, and she swears she heard the principal breathe a sigh of relief as he saw who it was. "c-come on i-in Jungkook - ah, how may I help you?" the principal stuttered out, Jungkook looked around and after seeing the smirk on Taehyung's face, he understood that Taehyung must've said something. he cleared his throat and said "sir, I need to bring Taehyung and Ara outside, their parents are waiting for the them." Jungkook easily lied, I mean he had to do something to get them out of there.

without thinking twice the principal sighed and let them go. 'well that was easy.' Jungkook thought it would've been way harder, he literally came with 3 plans but seeing how easy it was he just sighed and pulled both of them out of the room before they could say anything. Jungkook looked at them both and asked "okay, what the heck did you say to him?" Taehyung smirked and said, "just reminded him of his problems"

Ara kept quiet, she was too busy thinking to say anything at all. Taehyung looked at Ara and said "hey, before you start thinking that I'm a stalker lemme clarify it that, my parents mistakenly found out about him, they never meant to but his computer was hacked and someone sent all of his personal information to my parents." Ara just looked at him and said "well I wouldn't be surprised if you were a stalker, but thanks for the information I guess" Jungkook looked at both of them and smiled 'at least they arent fighting' Taehyung replied back, "I have a life to live, I ain't free to stalk other people unlike you."

Ara just scoffed and said "a non existent life yeah." "at least my life is better than yours" "my life is real, yours is fake, Taehyung" 'aaaannndd they're arguing again' Jungkook sighed 'well those were some good 10 seconds' He pulled Taehyung and Ara's ear and dragged them outside, "can y'all shut up? jeez!" "oh yeah, thanks bro for letting us outta there, the tension was high!" Ara lightly punched Jungkook and chuckled, Taehyung smiled and thanked him as well. Jungkook smiled back

Even though Taehyung and Ara always argued and almost never showed their loving and caring side, but with Jungkook they would loosen up a bit. you can say Jungkook is the reason, Taehyung and Ara haven't killed each other yet. 3 of them were good friends, but after a misunderstanding that happened 10 years ago and Taehyung and Ara became enemies, Jungkook refused to give up hope that the 3 of them couldnt hang out anymore. the 3 of them are wild together, sometimes when they're having so much fun, they forget that anything ever happened to their friendship. but at the end of the day they're reminded again. Ara is like fire, short tempered, straightforward and savage. Taehyung on the other hand is like water, cold, deep, and at times mysteriously dark. Jungkook is like the ground/earth, stubborn, strong and solid. even if the fire has burnt Jungkook, and the water has sometimes drowned Jungkook, he knows there's hope and he wont give up until he knocks some sense into Taehyung and Ara.

"hello~ earth to Jungkook? You alive bro??" Ara starting shaking Jungkook. "huh?" Jungkook came back to his senses, "oh sorry, I was just thinking about my assignments" Jungkook scratched his neck with a shy smile. Taehyung smirked and said "oh! speaking of assignments, imma get outta here and go back home. my parents told me to come home early and its pretty early now so bye." He walked away and took out his phone probably to call his driver. Ara sighed and said "I dont wanna go back in there." her eyes lit up as she thought of an idea, with puppy eyes she looked at Jungkook,

"no, no no no" Jungkook shook his head as he knew what she wanted to say. "I ain't driving you home, it's so far away" "pretty please?" Ara pouted and looked at him with her cute puppy eyes. (an expression she only shows her family and Jungkook) "ugh fine, you better be grateful" Jungkook rolled his eyes and walked towards his car, "Yay!" Ara squealed and ran after Jungkook.
But none of them saw Taehyung looking at them from a far still waiting for his driver. From where he was standing, he clearly saw Ara's cute face and her smile which Taehyung doesnt get to see anymore.

Taehyung didnt even realize when he started smiling and only one word came to his mind as he saw Ara happily running to Jungkook "cute" he muttered. "wait what did I just think? her? cute? ewww no! what the heck is wrong with me? ugh I'm probably just nervous about the event that'll be held soon" he saw his car coming and stopping right in front of him, with a sigh, he opened the back door and sat inside. As Jungkook and Ara sat in Jungkook's car, Ara got a call from her dad, with a confused expression she picked up her phone,

"hello dad?" she asked with confusion laced in her voice, "hello sweetie, can you come back home now? we have to go in an important event that'll be held soon and you have to get ready properly for it." he said, sounding quite excited, "awe dad, but I dont wanna go, you know I dont like going to those kinda events." Ara whined, it was true, she really hated attention and an event like that meant lots of attention. "I gotta go now hun, but let's discuss about this when you get home oki?" "okay dad, bye, love you" "love you too, bye"

⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:✧*⋆.*:・゚⋆*・゚: .⋆ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:✧*⋆.*:・゚✧.:

Hmm, strange isnt it? both Ara and Taehyung are going to an event tonight, are they going in the same one perhaps? if so will they start fighting in the middle of it?

I hope you liked this chapter, what did you think about it lovelies?


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