Chapter 3

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Ara's pov
"but daaadd, I really dont wanna go." I kept complaining to my dad, hoping he'll listen to me. my dad sighed for the hundredth time and just pointed to my room. "ugghhh" I whined, and realizing that it'll be no use talking to my dad I walked into my room and angrily sat on my bed. the fact that I hated attention wasnt the only reason I didnt want to go, but the fact that Taehyung will also be there annoyed the hell out of me. he always embarrasses me during these events and things have gotten out of hand a few times but when does he listen to anyone? never that's when.

I heard a knock on the door and knowing it was my dad I just huffed and looked away. my dad slowly opened the door, and I couldnt help but to glance at him, with my peripheral vision I saw my dad holding a beautiful dark blue dress in his arms. I heard my dad sighing again and slowly he came and sat on my bed, I huffed again and crossed my arms and looked away from him. he put his hand on my shoulder and said "honey, I know how much you hate going to these events, but Mr. Kim really wants us to come and It would be rude to ignore or reject his request especially after everything he has done for us right?"

he was right. my dad did have a point, Mr. Kim really did help us. he gave my dad a good job as his personal assistant and gave us financial support when we really needed it. he's really humble and generous unlike his spoiled son. he's been like a second father to me and I wouldn't mind going, but my ego is bigger than my heart and I still refused to agree to go. I heard my dad putting that dress on my bed and standing up, "I hope that you'll get ready and agree to come. just try to ignore Taehyung okay? I know you can do this."

I glanced at his face, and he looked tired. he looked like he really wanted me to come. before going out, he turned around and gave me a small smile and said "and if you're wondering, the dress is your mother's. this was her favorite dress and she told me she really wanted to see you wear this one day." I could hear the crack in his voice when he spoke about my mom. afterall he loved her with all his heart.

he opened the door and walked out. without realizing I felt tears dropping down my cheeks, I felt so broken again. I missed her. my mom. my best friend. my happiness. my guardian angel. ever since she passed away in that plane crash, my whole world has turned upside down. I wanted to tell her I love her, I need her. but I couldn't because the 6 year old me was too oblivious. one night, she was there kissing my forehead, giving me my teddy, putting me to sleep and the next night she was gone.

I cried when I finally found out my mom was gone. she isnt here. she didnt see me grow up, she didn't see me turn into a teen, she didn't see my grades, she didnt see me anymore. my dad looked so heartbroken, and I could only imagine how he must've felt. his love, his life partner, his soulmate, gone. in one night so much changed. I remember that day clearly, as if it was yesterday. I was jumping around in my pastel pink pjs, I wanted to watch my favorite cartoon before sleeping, so me being the energetic kid I was, i ran around the house. I remember being extra excited because my mom was coming back home that day from her trip to Hawaii. she had gone to her best friend's wedding and she should've returned back that day.

I remember jumping on the couch and my dad sitting down next to me, he had a big smile on his face and was equally as excited as me. his wife was coming back after 2 weeks, even though they had been married for more than 5 years his love for her has only grown. as soon as my dad turned on the tv, the news reporter said that one thing that turned our whole lives upside down and broke us completely. I remember being confused and not understanding anything, I remember that look of complete shock and disbelief on my dad's face.

it looked like his whole life was ruined. I remember tugging his arm and asking what's wrong and what's going on? I remember him looking at me when tears rolling down his cheeks. before that I had never seen my dad cry, he was always so happy and strong. seeing him cry broke my heart, with my small hands I remember wiping away his tears and I remember him scooping me up into a warm tight hug whispering "its gonna be alright" I was still so confused, I remember asking my dad every night about my mom. I remember looking for her. I remember waiting for her. I would spend hours going through her stuff and keep with me everything that reminded me of her. her perfume, her favorite jacket, her bracelet.

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