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[A/n> this is y/n's hybrid puppy but she is a little bit bigger]

I trotted around my friends as they looked at me in awe. I was more of a puppy then a grown dog but I loved the attention.

"Y/nnie imma get you," Jimin said and giggled and we started chasing each other around the room. It soon ended when we heard yoongi.

"Kids come here, we have a special guest." Forgetting to change I ran on my four legs to them to see a stranger and I cowered in fear, He was so tall. Someone picked me up and sat me in his lap.

"Y/n, don't be afraid. He's a nice guy." The man got down in front of me.

"That's y/n, the hybrid I told you about." I started whimpering when he brung his hands up to pet me.

"Y/nnie it's okay." Hobi gave me some love so I licked him.

"He won't hurt you y/n," yoongi said and I looked back towards the strange man and stuck out my paw.

He smiled. That smile. It made me feel better as he gently grabbed my paw and shook it.

"Can I hold you y/nnie?" His voice was deep and it scared me and scooted back into hobi's arm.

"Namjoon I think your voice scared her," Taehyung laughed.

"She's a beautiful Samoyed," he stared at me in awe and I cautiously came back out from my hiding.

"Daddy I want to be held," Jin frowned.

"Y/nnie, let Joonie hold you. He's very gentle." I looked up towards Hobi and walked towards Joon as he picked me up and cuddled me.

His dimple showed and I licked the right one. He smiled bigger and started petting me.

"Would you be willing to be her caregiver?" My ears perked up at the mention of a caregiver.

"I would if she'd let me," he was so gentle.. I wasn't used to this from strangers.

I sniffed his neck and he smelt good and I started licking his face and he started laughing.

"I'll be her caregiver, yes for sure." I wagged my tail quickly and jumped all over him, licking his face.

He laughed and let me. I then settle down and put my face towards his neck and snuggled close.

"Do you need to go potty?" He asked quietly and I wagged my tail and got down.

"She needs to go potty," they nodded and I trotted off with my new caregiver.

He opened the door for me to go outside and I did. We went to the front yard as I started rolling in the grass while he sat there. I got a little playful and stuck my but in the air and wiggled my tail. He watched me and I took off running towards him as he laughed. I jumped and he caught me.

"Aweeee honey can we please get a puppy." We both looked towards the owners of the voices and saw a couple.

"Puppy!!" Their little kid ran towards me and I let her pet me as I licked her hand.

The kid giggled as the parents stood in awe.

"I'm so sorry sir but is it for sell?" My heart dropped.

"Uhm no I'm sorry. I just got her." I let the kid keep playing with me.

"Oh where did you get it. I would love to have one," she patted me on the head.

"Oh Uhm, my friend gave her too me. He had a lot on his hands and asked if I wanted to keep her for him so I said yes," I knew he was lying.

"Oh okay," she smiled down at me.

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