It was only a matter of time.
Lying in wait.
It was torturous, although expected. One after another. Attack after attack.
They were all exhausted. Virgil, Patton, Roman and Logan. However, just then at that moment, a pool of guilt had surfaced within the anxious male's stomach.
Virgil knew them. They were unforgiving and determined. Especially when they wanted something ... or someone. Whether or not it was theirs in the first place. To them, it didn't matter. They would destroy whatever stood in their way.
No guilt. No shame. No mercy.
What did he expect would happen when he left? Well, Virgil expected a lot of things, but not this. He never wanted to have caused a war to wage because of his choice.
They didn't know...the light sides. They never knew the reason behind the attacks, and Virgil hadn't told them. How could he? He is what they wanted, and after many failed attempts, they still hadn't succeeded.
They waited and waited. Side by side, ready for whatever was thrown their way. Nothing. The attack never came. Something wasn't right. It was unlike the other side to just ... change plans.
This was it. Now or never. Virgil took the chance to slip away. No-one would have to know. Taking the opportunity, Virgil parted from the group in silence and returned to his domain.
"Deceit! Deceit!" The male shouted into the dark, open, soundproofed room. "I know you can hear me!" He called out to a seemingly empty room. The male looked around as silence settled, before a figure stepped out from the shadows.
"You called." A cold placated voice drifted around the room effortlessly, circling Virgil. "End this now! You won't win." Virgil demanded, not playing games. His voice was assertive and stern as he squared his shoulders and straightened his back. The demand did not sit well with the intruder. As the 2 faced male swept forwards instantaneously, only to appear inches away from the other. The sudden movement caused the anxious male to visibly flinch, only for Virgil to remain and stand his ground.
Deceits' eyes narrowed as a cold chill entered the room. "Excuse me?" The snake-faced male inquired, as he looked down upon the anxious boy that stood before him, whose heart was repeatedly hammering into his chest. Only for Virgil to reiterate once more, as a wave of newly found confidence had presented.
"Do I have to repeat myself? I said ..." Virgil paused, only taking a step closer each time he spoke. "End" Step "This" Step "Now" Step. Both had locked eyes with one another in challenge. Virgil knew Deceit better than anyone. Deceit didn't take orders. He gave them.
"And just who do you think you are talking to?" The two faced male questioned in a cold steel tone, whilst his eyes narrowed like a predator would on its prey.
"I mean it Deceit. This has gone on for long enough. No-one else needs to get hurt." The boy's tone was full of confidence as he maintained eye contact with the other. His fight or flight instincts kicked in, screaming, demanding that he leave, to save himself from the danger that had presented.
Deceits cool, calm and collected demeanour remained, to which Virgil noticed. "How about we make a deal?" The deceitful side spoke as he rose his head in curiosity, allowing Virgil to see the sly smile that played on his lips.
"I have had it with you!" Virgil roared back in response before he could register his actions. He found himself swinging for the intruder, out of rage and anger.
But the pain and contact never came.
Heavy breathing resonated from the boy as he realised what he had done. Looking up through fearful eyes, he witnessed the scene that played out in front of him. Deceit had a tight, firm lock on Virgil's wrist. Seeing the other's brow raised in question, now deep down there was a white-hot fury that was so well hidden beneath his eloquent facade. He made an effort to release himself from the other painful hold to no avail.
"Now ... That wasn't very smart now was it?" The snake's tone level and serene, which sent shivers down the boy's spine. Virgil tried to relieve the pain of Deceit's death-like grip on his wrist, which only grew tighter the more he struggled. Painful enough to which he could no longer hold back his inaudible whimper of pain which escaped his lips.
The two faced male leant in closer, where Virgil could feel his breath dance along the hairs on his neck. "You started this Virgil. You know how to put an end to it." Deceit pulled away only just, maintaining eye contact once more.
"I gave you time ..."
He opened up his free hand, as an empty hourglass appeared.
" ... But now your times up"
Deep-seated fear lurked within Virgil as he watched the hourglass disappear, his attention brought back to the soft light glow that had slowly appeared.
These two were no strangers, although Virgil would rather they were. He knew Deceit and the power he possessed. Virgil resumed a futile struggle. His eyes never leaving the soft, golden glow which emanated from the other's form, unable to stop his quivering of plea's.
"Wait - Wait ... De-Deceit! Please ... Don ...D-Don't" Virgil pulled against the other as the shimmer of gold brightened hue. Moments later, the light drifted down Deceits arm, towards Virgil, where the two were physically connected.
All the while in which Virgil watched against his will, Deceit never took his eyes off his prize. Soon enough the gold aura had engulfed the boy. "De...Deceit!" Virgil squirmed as the light began to pulsate around him and his form.
As if Deceit had read his mind, Virgil made a sudden attempt to call out for help. "Hel-" He found himself abruptly cut off and silenced with a twist of the other's free hand. "Ah, Ah, Ah. Not so fast" His captor mocked in reprimand, now having silenced the boy.
Not long after, Deceit's effects began to take over. He watched as Virgil's usual midnight purple aura began to fade before a golden glow took its place. Through hooded eyes, the snake watched as Virgil's eyes began to flutter shut, only for there to be resistance as the struggle continued against the warming effects.
As Deceit observed, he settled a gentle palm upon the other's head before carding a gloved hand through the boy's hair, in a soothing motion, to which had the desired effect.
As the golden aura grew brighter, all movement ceased and the boy stilled. Simultaneously, Virgil's eyes shut and his legs gave out. Expecting to feel the impact of hitting a hard floor, only not to. Deceit caught the male before picking up his limp unconscious form.
Deceit admired the features on the others face, as he gently swept a lock of hair back into its respectful place. Unable to shake how peaceful and relaxed he now was after having spared his life. The tenebrous room fell motionless and quiet.
"It's time you came home."

Serpent's Spell
FanfictionA war wages on between the Light and Dark sides. Sacrificing himself, Virgil makes a deal with the devil to save his family, but at what cost? 5 Parts. Multi-Chapter Series. Trigger Warning: - Kidnapping - Mind Control & Manipulation - Physical...