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The rooftop seemed to be a place i would visit daily. Stepping over the railing and holding on before leaning forward. The rush of adrenaline i would feel before leaning back into the fencing and over onto solid ground. I would look over the edge and stare, stare for a long time.

The rooftop always seemed so lonely, so isolated. I would have lunches alone there on a constant at school. I would sometimes even skip class to sit in solace and quiet. It was usually peaceful.

As i walked up the staircase to the rooftop, i removed my shoes. I was going to do it today. All the empty emotions and anxiety would finally go away and i'll be able to rest. Today was the day. I opened the door and stepped into the light. Someone was in the place i would stand over the edge. Someone was leaning over the edge ready to jump.

Not just anyone, Ochako Uraraka.

"Hey! Don't do it! Please," I yelled out not completely sure why.

Her sad brown eyes stared back at me. She whispered my name in surprise. I only questioned her actions.

"You've probably heard it all before," my classmate dryly chuckled out. She leans forward making my nerves jumped and i stepped forward.
"You know how i have a crush on Deku, god everyone would know by now," Uraraka leant back into the railing as she began to explain. I only remained quiet.

"I confessed to him yesterday actually, right at the end of class after everyone had gone," Uraraka stared up to the sky, her eyes held heartbreak.
"He told me he couldn't return my feelings, i won't lie. It really hurt, but it hurt even more when I found out he was gay. Falling in love with someone who physically can't love you back, how cliché," Uraraka moved forward more and inched her fingers.

Anger swelled through me, of course i've heard it before. It was something similar that had happened to me.
"For god sake Uraraka!" She looked back shocked at me. It was probably the first time she's heard me talk above a whisper.

"Are you serious? I cant believe you!" I'm sure tears were gathered in my eyes.
"I cant believe, you got here before me. Are you upset that you can't get what you want? So what if Midoriya is happy! Find someone better. You're lucky you've never gotten robbed of anything!" The salt from the tears was all i could taste as Uraraka stared at me in shock.

She smiled slightly before hopping over the bar and over to me. She hugged me tightly not caring that i didn't return it.
"I'm feeling better thank you for listening," the brunette whispered into my ear before leaving me to myself.

I spent my lunch alone on the rooftop, again.

edited: 25/6/20

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