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My first boyfriend, my first love. We had been dating for a year by the time a new girl moved to our class. She was beautiful.

"I'm Emiko Saya! Please take care of me!"

We became real close, me and Emiko. Best friends i would say. But my boyfriend also became real close to her. He wouldn't show up to dates and even say he couldn't hang out with me during class or lunch.

Our class would send me pitying gazes or even laugh at me. I didn't know why at the time.

"Hey! You should go to the Gym at Lunch"

I did as someone told me, i went to the gym. I also heard two familiar laughs. My first loves and Emiko. They were sat in the corner or the Gym. Emiko in his lap and him tickling her.

They hadn't noticed me before she pecked him on the lips. I dropped my lunch i had in my hands, it echoed through the gym catching both of their attention.


I told him to save his words before walking out of the Gym and to the rooftop. I was like Uraraka in a sense back then. I too had been heart broken and leant over the edge for an answer. I had climbed over and went home in the end.

No one would acknowledge me after it.

edited: 25/6/20

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