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hello hello
just gonna say that this story mentions neglect, suicide attempts, suicide, mentions of self harm

it's also going to be a very very short story, kind of a vent idk yet.

If any of you feel upset remember someone is always going to be able to talk to you, you can message me if you don't feel like you have anyone!!

i might not reply on here but just ask for my instagram or sowmthing, i'm always available.

side note
i've had a couple comments on the last chapter asking who's pov it's from and if there's going to be a spin off. It's not any oc's pov nor is it a character from mha's pov. when i wrote this i was going through some stuff and it was more of a vent.

Also i won't be writing anything to continue this story, i'm working on other stories but this one ends with the outcome! Thank you for reading my story, stay positive <3

side side note
YALL 🥺🥺 i never thought we'd gain this much attention, tysm for supporting and reading ily all ugh 🥺👊🏻❤️

side side noteYALL 🥺🥺 i never thought we'd gain this much attention, tysm for supporting and reading ily all ugh 🥺👊🏻❤️

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