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Flashes. Cameras. They are everywhere.

"I... would like to thanks everyone for the support. I appreciate it very much. You guys.. all of you, give me the meaning to my life. I have made friends who I care for very much. I have made enemies who are all respectable. If we ever meet again, don't forget to say hello." I smiled. And then left the stage. Everyone was clapping. I guess they respect my decision.

I worked as an idol for k-pop industry. Being an idol is not easy. I've cried many times. I was like a bird in a cage. Now, I'll finally set free.



It's afternoon in Seoul. It's getting dark now but it doesn't matter. I'm in my own apartment with Mina. We were both working women enjoying our weekends. Drink some beers and talk about the past.

"Hana... do you remember how we first met?" Mina asked me.

"Uhh.. that's.. one. two FIFTEEN YEARS AGO! You were walking home alone and I was playing in the park you passed. You look lonely so I asked you to join me. We played 'til late and your mom was furious!" I am a bit drunk now. When I speak, my hands goes everywhere. Mina look as if she hasn't been drinking. I guess she planned to go back to her apartment after. It's not that late yet so she'll be fine.

"Yeah, and after that we promised to play together again.. remember that day when we were playing in the park and both of us like the same boy? we fight real hard and you wandered into forest so I ran after you?"

"That was when we were 6 right? We were lost in there for so long that we forgot that we were fighting. At last, we found our way out to the river."

"You remember that promised we made by Han river?"

"YES, we'll never fight over a boy again. Like. Ever." we both giggle softly

"Hana, why did you quit? I thought you were going quite smoothly."

"Talk about yourself, you are even better, no? A lot of advertiser wants you to be their presenter." I'm happy for her.

"Answer me Hana. We both know how hard you tried to be an idol. You finally get to be one and then you quit after all these years. I bet your team members were upset about you leaving. Like. Seriously, what happened?" she asked as her brows furrows.

"Fine. Me and Kang Jimin are getting marry." I wasn't planning on telling her this because we haven't found the right date yet, but it's Mina, so I guess it'll all be fine.

"what? Congratulations! both of you! but why quit?" I chuckle and give her a hug for a thanks. She happily returned the gesture.

"The contract won't allow me to get marry, and Jimin wants privacy." I chuck up some beers just to suffocate my self after.

*cough* *cough*

"Here, drink this." Mina handed me a glass of water which I accept and gulped it down fast. Mina pat me on the back to calm me down from my high, such a caring friend.

"Anyway, have you found yourself a special someone yet?" I asked her after the cough calm down.

"That's funny Hana." Then she howl her laughter to support herself how funny my question was. I just laugh with her because she sounded funny when she laugh. We are particularly laughing at nothing.

"How's that even funny?" I wiped the tears away after we both calm down.

"I'm pregnant with mr. Kang, Goodbye Hanna."

then all I see was black.
*beep* *beep*

I heard the constant sound of my own heartbeat. I think I'm in the hospital. I don't know how long it has been but all I feel now were sorrow. I don't know what to think. My hearts are breaking into pieces. They shattered. My friend. My only best friend since childhood. I TRUST HER SO MUCH. She stab me in the heart with how she betrayed me with my soon to be husband. And that's not enough. She tried to kill me.

I could hear people coming in and out of this room. They come to visit me. My old team mates telling me stories. About our fans and how they are saying I should wake up. I want to wake up too but I can't. But I can't tell them that.

Even that bastard Kang Jimin come to visit me. He expressed his grief which makes my head boiled. You shouldn't have slept with the bitch when you are about to get marry, right? And I was willing to throw away my dreams for him. Douchebag.

"Doctor, please help her, she's my friend."I remember her voice. It was Mina. She uttered such word so shakily as if her world was breaking apart. I knew somebody's heart would break just hearing her voice this shaky. Only if they knew it was all fake.

She did this to me.

I can hear my parents crying and sobbing in the background.

"Her body was in a shock of poison. It's a miracle that she's still alive for half a month now. Even if we're able to save her she couldn't breath properly. Her Immune system has also been breaking down slowly by minutes. This venom activated really fast in her body. Normally, the patient would die long ago. I don't want to give you false hope. The decision is up to you now. We can continue to give her oxygen and drag it on for another week or we can stop now." The man voice who I think is a doctor said.

So, I am dying. I hope they stop it now.

To be able to hear everything yet couldn't respond to anything. I don't want to continue this for another week of torture.

After what the doctor said my mother cried harder. I think she'd faint too.

And then everything suddenly gone quite. So quite I could hear someone gulping.

"We... will stop now." my father said

Ah.. I'll missed them.

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