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Jisung's POV

I wake up slowly and see I'm in my living room. I look behind me and see that im laying against Minho. I smile and think about last night.

I kissed Lee Minho.

I try to think about before I went to sleep. How we watched TV then I got tired. But right before I fell asleep I swear I heard him say.....

Nevermind, that's silly. Probably just a dream.

I decide since Minho is sleeping I could get up. I slowly walk upstairs to my bathroom and take a quick shower. After I finish I brush my teeth and head downstairs.

I can smell food as I walk down and become confused.

"Morning Ji" minho says from inside the kitchen "I made you some..... Dis- formed pancakes-"

"How sweet" I laugh "you didn't have to cook though, I would have"

"I mean, I heard the water from upstairs so I decided why not?" He smiles and sets the pancakes on the counter "Is it ok if I take a shower here, before I go home?"

"Yea that's fine!" I tell him and point at the stairs " second door on the left"

"Thanks" he smiles but turns around half way up the stairs "if the pancakes aren't edible I put a hot Pocket near the microwave-"

"Ok thanks min" i laugh and he continues going up the stairs.


After a good 10 minutes I hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Your do- aAa" I screech

"I need clothes" he scratches the back of his head.

I cover my eyes from the sight of Minho half naked, with a towel loosely wrapped over his waist.

"You act like we aren't both guys Jisung!" He laughs

"Ok yea, but you are very-" I panick

"I'm very what?" I could hear the smirk forming on his lips.

"Nothing! J-just go get some clothes out of my room!" I say in a high pitched voice " I swear Lee Minho.."

"Okok, naked man leaving the room"

"Good" I sigh "I don't think I've ever almost PEE'D myself before- actually thats a lie" I whisper.

"Im back and fully clothed" Minho lightly chuckles and comes to the couch.

"Phew" I wipe my head.

"Don't act like you didn't like it~" Minho scoffs and pokes my arm.

"Hah, you wish"

Honestly he doesn't have to wish, it was pretty nice.

"What were you gonna say earlier though?" He smiles "hmmm? Tell me"

"Oh, I was just- nothing" I give a lousy excuse.

"Please" he makes a pouty face.

"Fine!" I give in "All I said was that your attractive, so it's different.." I whisper lowly and cover my face.

"Oh- Nice of you to tell me what I already know" he flips non-existent hair.

"Minho!" I slap his arm "why can't you just say thankyou or something" I sigh loudly.

"Awww thankyou Ji!" He grabs the sides of my face and starts pelting my forehead with kisses

"aCk, I didn't mean like this" I squirm around "Minn" I scream while laughing.

Minho kisses my head lightly a few more times before kinda spacing out.

"Min? You okay?"

"....Would you maybe wanna come meet"

//I already know y'all hate me 😔 I'm so sorry for late updates :<<

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