Home Part 2

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The car is parked by a payphone, where Sam is looking through a phonebook.
"All right, so there are a few psychics and palm readers in town. There's someone named El Divino. There's, uh" Sam laughs "—there's the Mysterious Mister Fortinsky. Uh, Missouri Moseley"
"Wait, wait. Missouri Moseley?" Dean interrupts.
"That's a psychic?"
"Uh, yeah. Yeah, I guess so."
Dean goes into the backseat of the car and pulls out John's journal.
"In Dad's journal...here, look at this." He opens to the first page. "First page, first sentence, read that."
Sam reads, "I went to Missouri, and I learned the truth."
Dean shrugs "I always thought he meant the state."

Missouri Moseley is escorting a man out of the house while Dean and Sam sit on the couch, waiting.
"All right, there. Don't you worry 'bout a thing? Your wife is crazy about you." The man thanked her and she closed the front door behind him. "Whew. Poor bastard. His woman is cold-bangin' the gardener." Missouri breathes out. No one hears the chuckles coming from the other room.
"Why didn't you tell him?" Dean asks.
"People don't come here for the truth. They come for good news." The boys stare at her. "Well? Sam and Dean, come on already, I ain't got all day. Your sister is already here." She leaves the room.
Dean and Sam exchange a confused look and follow her into the next room.
"Well, lemme look at ya." She laughs. "Oh, you boys grew up handsome." She points a finger at Dean. "And you were one goofy-looking kid, too." Dean glares at her while Sam smirks. Willow's in the background trying not to burst out laughing. "Sam." She grabs his hand. "Oh, honey...I'm sorry about your girlfriend." The boys are shocked. "And your father –- he's missing and your sister went missing as well?" Missouri asks, giving a pointed look at Willow, who is now behind the boys, her feet becoming more interesting.
"How'd you know all that?" Sam asks curious.
"Well, you were just thinkin' it just now." Sam raises his eyebrows, surprised.
"Well, where is he? Is he okay? Do you know why Wills disappeared?" Dean questions.
"I don't know. And you'll have to ask Willow that, it's not my story to tell." Missouri gives Dean a pointed look.
"Don't know? Well, you're supposed to be a psychic, right?"
"Boy, you see me sawin' some bony tramp in half? Do you think I'm a magician? I may be able to read thoughts and sense energies in a room, but I can't just pull facts out of thin air. Sit, please." Sam smirks at Dean and they sit down.
Missouri snaps at Dean. "Boy, you put your foot on my coffee table; I'm a whack you with a spoon!"
"I didn't do anything," Dean answers
"But you were thinking about it." Dean raises his eyebrows. Sam smiles. Willow can't hold in her laughter anymore and starts cackling at her brothers' behavior towards Missouri.
Sam and Dean both hear the laughter, not knowing what to say; when they see their sister leaning against the wall, laughing up a storm.
"Willow, get your ass over here," Missouri calls over to her, which shuts her up right away, and she sulks over to the couch.
"Where have you been?" Dean turns towards his older sister.
"Here," She answers, giving no other detail.
"You didn't think to tell us, that this is where dad first learned about the supernatural?" Dean accuses.
"I...I.." Willow blows out a breath, looking at Missouri for help.
"She wanted you boys to figure it out yourselves. Not everything in life is handed to you." Missouri answers Dean's question.
Dean opens his mouth to argue but is interrupted by Sam, who wants to avoid an argument between his siblings.
"Okay. So, our dad –- when did you first meet him?"
"He came for a reading. A few days after the fire. I just told him what was really out there in the dark. I guess you could say...I drew back the curtains for him."
"What about the fire? Do you know about what killed our mom?"
"A little. Your daddy took me to your house. He was hoping I could sense the echoes, the fingerprints of this thing."
"And could you?"
"I...." Missouri shakes her head
"What was it?"
Missouri answers softly "I don't know. Oh, but it was evil."

Jenny is on the phone in the kitchen while Ritchie jumps around in his playpen.
"Look, I feel just awful about the poor man's hand. Wait, but how can I be held liable? Yeah, but I can't afford a lawyer." Loud noises start to come from upstairs "Okay, listen, you just gotta let me call you back." Jenny hangs up. "Ritchie, um, Mommy's gonna be right back, okay?"
"Okay," Ritchie answers as Jenny leaves the room.

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