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A man drives down the street, into his garage and turns off the engine. A close up of the Michigan number plate. The garage door starts winding down by itself and he looks at it, confused. The car doors then self-lock. He struggles but cannot open them. The ignition key turns by itself and the engine starts. Exhaust smoke begins filling the garage. The man struggles to turn off the engine to no avail. The radio flicks on. The man begins to cough
The man starts crying out "Help. Somebody help me!"
By now the smoke is very thick and he keels over, unconscious.

Sam starts up from his bed, suddenly wide awake. He looks across to where Dean is sleeping peacefully. Willow is seen working on the computer at the table. Having not yet, noticed Sam has woken up.  Sam sits a moment, then moves into action, flipping on the light switch and shaking his brother.
"Dean. Dean."
"Yo, Sam what's going on?"  Willow looks away from her computer, now realizing Sam is awake and is looking panicked.
The moment Dean stirs, Sam rises and starts gathering his things.
"Grab your things, Wills. We have to go." Sam tells his sister not even looking up from what he's doing.
Dean rubs his eyes "What are you doing man, it's the middle of the night."
Willow gathers up her stuff not saying a word to either brother, walks outside to her car and waits by the Camaro for her brother to get his ass out there and give her an explanation. 
Dean raises himself on his elbows
"We have to go," Sam says urgently 
Dean is immediately alert  "What's happening? Where'd Willow go?"
"We have to go. Right now. Willow's outside waiting for us." Sam grabs his bag and walks out.
Sam is practically running to the Impala when Willow steps in front of him, her arms crossed and a worried look on her face.
"Willow move, we need to go. This is a life or death situation here." Sam argues trying to get past her.
"Naha, not before you tell me what's going on, in that head of yours Sammy. I'm not a mind reader and neither is Dean. You need to tell us what's going on before we just drive off into the night to who knows where. " Willow glares down at Sam.
Dean walks around Sam to stand next to his sister.
"Okay, okay I will. But can we do this on the road, guys."  Sam looks between is brother and sister, terror crystal clear in his eyes.
"Alright, come on let's get going." Willow starts walking to the Camaro. "But you better call me and explain all of this once we get on the road" Willow shouts to Sam, climbing into her car.

Dean is driving, Sam is on the phone. Willow is following the Impala while talking to Dean on the phone.
"I don't know Dean, I'm worried about him. I mean these sudden premonitions about random people DYING. That we don't even know. Dean this is becoming insane, we need to call dad about is or hell call Missouri. We need answers. Sam needs answers, cant you tell he's terrified with what's happening to him. "
"I agree to,  Willow but let's focus on one thing at a time. A soon as we finish this case. We can start looking into whats going on with Sammy." Dean discreetly looks at Sam.
Sam reads from a Michigan State Police ID "McReady. Detective McReady. Badge number 158. I've got a signal 480 in progress, I need the registered owner of a two-door sedan, Michigan license plate Mary-Frank-six-zero-three-seven. Yeah ok, just hurry."
"Sammy relax. I'm sure it's just a nightmare." Dean tries to reassure his brother.
"Yeah, tell me about it," Sam answers sarcastically.
"I mean it. Y'know, a normal, everyday, naked-in-class, nightmare. This license plate, it won't check out. You'll see." Willow says over speakerphone.
"It felt different guys. Real. Like when I dreamt about our old house. And Jessica." Sam looks at Dean
"Yeah, that makes sense. You're dreaming about our house, your girlfriend. "
"This guy in your dream, you ever seen him before?" Willow asks
"No." Sam looks out the window.
"No. Exactly. Why would you have premonitions about some random dude in Michigan?" Dean glances at Sam.
"It just doesn't make sense Sam. Why is all of this starting now?" Willow says over the phone baffled.
"I don't know."
"Me neither."
Willow sighs deeply over the phone.
"Yes, I'm here." Sam talks on the phone.
He listens, glares at Dean, then picks up his pen. "Jim Miller. Saginaw, Michigan. Do you have a street address? Got it. Thanks."
Sam hangs up the phone "Checks out. How far are we?"
"From Saginaw? Coupla hours."
"Drive faster," Sam says determination in his eyes.  "Willow I'm sending over the address. We'll meet you there."
"Sounds good, I'll see you both in a few hours." With that Willow hangs up, then zooms past the Impala.

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