Thea's POV: Soon all our classes over. I'm, like, totally not swooning for Roc. Nope.
Anyways, everyone's having a nasty-ass choice of mystery-meat tacos because of Ray, "Soul Food" because of Roc, chicken 'cause of Prod, and mexican food for Princeton.
They're eating it up anyways. I swear, if I put a sewer rat in a tortilla he would eat it.
Now those dirty skanks, Portia and LaDanesia over there mean-muggin' 'cause we're sitting with the boys. "Dirty thot, come over here and cut a bitch instead of mean-muggin' til' yo eyes fall out!" I shout across the room. "If you got some problems then run up, dirty ho!" Isis shout.
Portia hollers back, with her voice soundin' scratchy, "Oh, I'mma cut a bitch Thea! Watch me do it Thea-ot!"
They stand up and pull down their crusty skirts and dresses while dust comes out their weave as they walk over to us. A random white girl shouts "Beat them Thea and Isis!" and Isis throws the first punch. We both rip out their weaves so hard dust blankets the floor. Cobwebs show up in their knotted hair. I die laughin' as Portia screams, and Isis yanks the little bit of hair she can grab off of LaDanesia's head and slams her head against the lunch table until she sees blood and mascara all over it. "Bitch! Mean-mug us again!* she shouted as Ray pulled her away and calmed her down.
Isis's POV:
Ray comes up behind me smelling like mystery meat and pulls me away while I scream "Thirsty thot! Come at me bitch! You ain't shit!" While Thea dies laughin' as she chokes Portia against the wall. "Haha--Dumb thot! Come get you thirsty ass over here againt! Pfft...Bwahahahah!!!" She's cray, but she's my bff.
"What the hell did you do that for, Ray?! I wasn't fucking done!" I shout, slapping the taco out of his hand. He looks like he's about to cry,
"My taco-- Er, I mean... That was too far. Hilarious, but too far. I think that's the one thing you can turn down for."
"Damnit, Ray! It ain't over til' all the bitch's teeth are out!" I pout and bat my eyelashes, wiping the cobwebs on my pants.
"Hey, let's get outta here" He says "I think we are going out for a real taco. You in?"
"I'm in." I say. "Just let me change my camo pants, and we'll be out." I wink.
Roc's POV:
Wow. No FOMO here! Thea's beatin' the dust out of Portias head with a spork! "Smile for YouTube," I say. Of course, Thea wink and smiles. "Hey, YouTube-eee! Right now." her voice changes to a thuggish voice "I'm beatin' the fuck out of this thot and her weave." and then back to normal "Thumbs Up if I'm good at beating up!"* she knees Portia in the jaw and sits down like nothing happened.
"What're y'all starin' at?" she says, eating a fudge brownie. "That bitch got what was coming." Prodigy's stomach growls. "Nigga, you just had everything that was served... Times eleven!" Prod ate his twevelth serving of chicken in a mystery meat taco and said "Why you gotta be so rude?"
We all laguhed but then we noticed Isis and Ray were gone.
"Shit! Did they skip?! We need to go on a fuckin' search party!" I said. "Leggo!"

Mad & Mindless
Fiksi RemajaMimdless Behavior comes to Dotley High. All the girls go loco! Except for two. They hate MB... but once they meet face to face they start to change their mind. All characters and content are preserved under a Creative Commons liscence. The liscence...