2||Arrested Development

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Feliciano was locked up in a small cell. The bars glowed a bright red, meaning it was hot. The cop sat down at his desk, legs on top of it, smoking a cigar.

Lovino slammed the door open. His hair was short and dark brown. Like Feliciano, he has an ahoge. His eyes were an olive green color. Plus, he had a long, black coat with buttons to match.

"Vargas! Here to retrieve your brother I see," The cop told him. He coldly stared at Feli. He smiled at his older brother, who scowled at him, then said, "Just give me the goddamn papers and let this be over."

The cop slides the papers over to Lovino. He snatched them angrily, and signed them. The cop took them and scanned them. On the table was also a cigar and lighter. Lovino put the cigar in his mouth, lit it, and puffed out smoke.

The cop had a small stare down with Lovi, then got up and released Feliciano. The two left.

It was already nightfall. As soon as they left the precinct, Lovino smacked Feliciano in the head.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" he yelled.

After the mango incident a long time ago, Lovi then realized why he shouldn't steal. However, for Feli it became an obsession, especially since their Nono disappeared.

"You need to stop, Feliciano. Its getting to a ridiculous point," Lovi tried to reassure him.

"I'm sorry-" Feli said but Lovi cut in. "Sorry won't cut it when you're in prison."

As soon as they got home, Feli changed into pajamas. Their apartment was a little small, but a good size for two men.

He sat down on his bed and poked at the tracker. He tore it off his arm viciously, blood staining his bed and trickled down his arm.

There was a knock on the door. Feli opened it, and on the floor was a small box. He looked around, then took the box to his bedroom.

He laid it on his bed and opened it carefully. Inside was a small pocket watch. In fact, it was the same one from earlier. However, instead of the engraving Ludwig Belischdmit, it had nothing.

Feliciano stared at the object. "Must be made out of pure gold," he muttered as he put the box and watch on a table. He dreamed of running away back home.

His real home.

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