I sat down on the sofa and turned on the Telly. I began clicking from channel to channel. There was nothing interesting on so I just went to Netflix and put on Monsters Inc. Gosh. I loved that movie. Ever since I was a kid. I don't know what but something about it seemed so relatable to me as I got older and began to understand life a little better.

When I was done with the movie it was 5:15. Wowie, wow, wow.
oh gosh. I wanted tomorrow to come so bad. It was getting really quiet around here. And I am a 12 year old. Living in a house for a couple days, all by herself. Yeah. Ok. I'm good with that.

I when upstairs to my now empty room. I guessed I had to get the suitcases and put them downstairs by the front door. They were coming to get me at 9:30. And if you know me in the morning. I don't want to drag 5 suitcases down the stairs at 9:30. So I just did it right then.
I went upstairs. 5:45.
I decided to shower because I wanted to get as much sleep as possible before I go to Ireland because I can't really sleep on a plane that well. So I hopped in the shower. I guess I took a REALLY long shower. Because when I got out it was 7:00. Well. You kind of get lost in the shower so. I also had to shave. Which I cut myself while doing that so I got a bandaid and put it on my boo-boo. I am so childish.
I got out of the bathroom and put on some music. One Direction that is. I always loved them. If you are ever feeling down you can just turn their music on and it will turn your whole day around.
I put on some pajamas that I had left out of my suitcase and then decided to go to sleep. I wanted tomorrow to come so freaking bad.

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