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I put my phone back into my backpack right as we were landing. I put my backpack on. We were in the middle of the plane. So we had to wait for a few minutes before we could get off. I went outside to find 5 people holding up a sign that said Nicole. Well. That must be for me. I ran over so happy to see them. The woman, I guess my Godmother gave me a huge hug joined by the rest of the gang. "Hello!" She said in her Irish accent that was much thicker than my British one, "I am Maura! You can call me whatever you would like though. Mum is fine" "Ok, Mum. I love the sound of that." I said cheerfully. I moved on the next person. "Hello! I'm Bobby!" He said "But since you're gonna call her Mum you might as well call me Dad" I giggled "ok Dad". I moved onto the next person who I guess was the oldest, by the way he looked and stuff. Not that he looked old or anything. "Hi, I'm Greg! This is my wife, Denise. And our baby, Theo." I waved to all of them then moved to the next person, who looked awfully familiar. "Hello!" He said "I'm Niall". Ok. It's Niall from One Direction.
Most fans would probably be FANGIRLING LIKE CRAZY if they found out Niall was their Godbrother, i guess that's what you call that. But I don't really fangirl that much. I know, shocker, right? "Hello, nice to meet you." I said. "Nice to meet you all" I said to my new family. "And thank you. I never really knew I had godparents" "oh, you're welcome dear! We are so happy to welcome you to our family. Now I'll have someone to be with in the house so I won't be all alone". Maura, I meant my Mum said. We all laughed, and she laughed along with. Then we all gathered in a group hug.

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