Chapter 6:sluts?

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I wake up and look up at the ceiling , it's finally Friday again . It's been a couple of days since I went on a date with asher , I've been avoiding Christan like crazy . I saw him approaching me and I immediately ran to the bathroom to hide from the wolf .
" Jade get up there's school" I groan as my mom yells up, I get up and look in my closet, what to wear what to w-
" Will you hurry up and pick something!" I hear Andrew yell , I laugh at his aggravation ,
" Oh I'm coming I'm coming"


" How's my sissy doing" I look to see Blake approaching me,
" Awful , avoiding Christian is so hard when I have gym and chemistry with him." I take my books out my locker and then close it,
" Okay well let's go to class and forget about the star boys for today"
I nod in agreement and we head to class,
As we enter the classroom I see Chelsea and immediately get annoyed.
" Jade" Chelsea says with her fake little voice ,
" What the hell do you want?" Blake says , I'm shocked at her sudden rudeness,
" Someone slept on the wrong side of the bed, I'm just here to say jade can have Christan,he's been too mean" I roll my eyes ,
" Whatever Chelsea, just leave me alone, I don't want to speak to you nor Christian" she nods and smiles at me and Blake
" Have a good day" she walks to her desk ,
" I hate school" me and Blake laugh as we say it at the same time .


Now time for gym. I walk to the locker room and notice once again it's empty , I slowly walk in hoping I see no sex doing . I sigh in relief as no one is here ,
" Hello little one" I jump as I hear a voice , I turn to see Christan,
" Christian" I say out of breath, he walks to me and I look up at him,
" What do you want" I say bluntly, he smirks and tilts his head to the side ,
" Come with me to the pool, it's empty, everyone is out on the track" I cross my arms and raise my eyebrows,
" With you? I don't think so" he looks up and sighs ,
" Please princess, just a swim , I promise" I look at him with suspiciousness,
" You promise" I ask him , he smiles and nods,
" I promise" he whispers, he offers his hand and I take it , I know I shouldn't be with him but I ..just can't say no.
As we walk to the pool he opens the door for me , I gasp dramatically,
" So you are a gentleman" he chuckles ,
" I can surprise you little one"
We walk into the pool room and I look around, yup, definitely empty . I walk to the other side and look out the window to see everyone on the field , I go to say something to Christan but what I saw made me choke. Christian was completely naked ,
" Are you gonna let me change in peace or?" I immediately turn around as he says that ,
" You could've told me you were changing" I tell him , it's quiet for a moment ,
" That would've been less fun" I jump as I feel him behind me, I look at him and he only has swim trunks on.
" So let's go for a swim yeah?" I raise my eyebrows,
" I'm in clothes not in a bathing suit" he smirks ,
" Take them off " my eyes widen and he walks closer , I back up until I hit the wall ,
" W-what are you doing?" I say quietly, he caresses my face softly .
" Just staring at you, so beautiful" my breathing quickens,
" I thought you said it was just a swim" I whisper, he looks down at my lips then back at me,
" Not when it comes to you" he leans closer and our lips are so close until I hear him say..
" Goodbye asher" I put my hand on his chest and push him back,
" What did you just say?" He looks at me ,
" Nothing princess" why did he just say that ? Wait ..
" Are you just doing this to get back at Asher?" I ask him, his silence says it all ,
" Unbelievable" I walk away and he quickly grabs my arm ,
" It's not because of asher , I want to be with you" I shake my head and glare at him ,
" Your lying , just stay away from me" I snatch my arm out of his grip and walk away . I blink away my tears, that one hurt..using me to get back at his brother? What am I even doing ? Going from one brother to another..I think I should stay away from both of them for good.


" You know screw those guys, they don't deserve you" Blake says painting her bales blue ,
" Asher is a friend, a nice guy and Christian is a complete dick" I say ranting to Blake . Blake gets up from my desk and pulls me up from my bed ,
" Nooo I wanna stay in bed" I groan desperately,
" You know what? We're gonna party tonight" I look at her for a moment..hell yeah.
" Yeah , yeah your right!" She smiles and I nod my head ,
" Yeah we're gonna party and have fun" she jumps up and down and I laugh at her exciment,
" Yeah definitely!" I say getting excited with her ,
" We're gonna go out and dress like sluts!" I stop jumping and look at her for a moment,
" Yeah dress like..sluts ?" She laughs and I join her ,
" Get ready we leave at 8" I definitely need this.

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