Chapter 7:crushing

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It's been two days since the incident with Christian, it's now Monday sadly.
I go to my locker and put away my books ,
" Miss Hopkins" I look to see asher , I immediately smile ,
" Mr star " he laughs and I close my locker ,
" I haven't talked to you all weekend, how's my favorite girl?" Wait did he just say favorite girl?! I immediately blush but avoid him seeing it,
" Um I'm good, you?" He looks at me with this look ,
" Are you okay?" I ask him, he clears his throat and nods ,
" Yeah , um I was actually wondering if you wanted to come over today ?" Is he really asking me this?
" Yeah sure that'll be great" his face shows joy and happiness, he's so nice ,
" Hey guys, you seem awfully happy today" I look forward and see Christian with the most fakest smile,
" Are you here to make sure we're not?" Asher says , I chuckle and Christian glares at me , what? It was funny.
" Your not that important" he says , he chuckles lightly ,
" Yeah , but she is" I look at Asher as he says that , does he I look at Christian and he looks uncomfortable for a moment ,he looks at me and it shows hurt.. what's going on?
" Whatever" he then walks away , I let out a breath I've been holding .
" Are you okay?" He asks me , I force a smile ,
" Yeah , I have to go to class see you" I walk to my class ,
That was weird .


" And then he walked away" I say telling Blake about what happened in the hall ,
" Wow , don't mind me, but I think they're both crushing on you" I look at her with a ' what !?' type of look, them like me? Me!?
" Yeah no way, especially Christian" Blake chuckles and I look at her with a confused look ,
" Especially Christian, he's crushing more then asher is" would he have a crush on me?
" pfft no way" she laughs and shakes her head , I mean there could be a chance..he's clearly jealous of me and ashers friendship right ?
" whatever you say miss jade" I playfully roll my eyes , 
She's clearly in denial , or am I ?

Ashers POV

as I'm walking to football practice I hear a voice call me, I turn and see Andrew .
" oh hey man, what's up?" He approaches me and I kind of know where he's about to ask .
" hey man , look I just want to say thank you for taking my sister Out and bringing her home On time" wow I was not expecting him to say that ,  I nod as a your welcome.
" no problem, she's a good person, fun to be around" he nods in agreement,
" definitely, look if your gonna date my sister, don't hurt her , she's a good girl " as he says that I want to say I would never hurt her , she's perfect.
" of course, I wouldn't think of it" he smiles and pats my shoulder, 
" good talk" I chuckle and he walks in the locker room ,
" got jades brother to like you, aren't you happy" I turn to see Christian ,
" are you jealous?" I ask him , his smirk disappears and fills with anger .
" fuck off" he bumps into me as he walks into the locker room .
Yeah, he's jealous.


as I'm walking out the school I'm grabbed by the arm, I turn to see Asher,
" Asher, hey" I say completely awkward . I scowl to myself.
" reschedule on coming over , I totally forgot about practice" he says with a sad and annoyed look , my smiles disappears and I look down , he probably didn't want me coming over from the start .
" oh..0kay" I'm surprised when I feel him lift my face up with his hand,
" unless you want to watch me play football?" I immediately smile .
" sure . I'd love that" he's smiles and grabs my hand and I immediately blush,
" let's go miss hopkins" I laugh and we walk to the field .


As I put on my gear I get on the field , I'm the captain of the football team , this sport is my life , I let nothing distract me , until today.. I look to see jade walking to the bleachers , I immediately smile , but quickly leaves when I see Asher walk behind her.  What the fuck? I see Asher look at me then at jade , he says something to her and he comes running to the field .
" You leave at 7 instead of 5 since your late" I say smirking at Asher , he glares at me, one point for me.
" You can't do that asshole" the coach then approaches us,
" actually he can son" coach Navis says , Asher glares at me and I look up at jade . Who's already staring at me , she quickly looks down , time to tell the princess the bad news.


As I'm looking out to the field I see Asher glaring at Christian, I wonder what's going on. The coach then approaches them , i look at Christian with that annoying hot smirk , he then looks at me and I immediately look down . Crap did he see me ? I sure hope not..what if he did? What I-
" princess" I quickly look up to see Christian looking down at me ,
" what do you want" I say in a annoyed tone , he leans down and I immediately move back ,
" not again , leave me alone" I say looking down , I still feel his presence, I look up and see him staring at me with sadness,
" my intentions weren't to hurt you jade, I'm sorry" I look at him for a moment before sighing,
" it's okay , we're just totally different people , we don't go together" I say quietly , he slowly nods , he then turns to walk away ,
" see you around little one" I hear him say as he walks away , even though he had done things to hurt me, I still feel myself wanting to talk to him , wanting to be with him.
Ugh what are you doing to me Christian.

How's everyone doing?☺️
Are you team Asher or team Christian ?❤️
For me it's both for now..I can't choose!

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