Chapter 9: girlfriend

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After I kissed Christian I had to get out of there , why on earth did I do that ?! I couldn't resist it he just gives me this feeling just by staring at me...but what about Asher ? What about him Hopkins?! Well my brother likes him and he's a good guy . Wait wait wait..I can't date him because he's a good guy or because my brother likes him, I should be with whoever makes me happy.
" are you okay ?" I look to see Blake and immediately run to her dragging her inside the room , I close the door and turn to her .
" okay Hopkins what the hell are you doing why'd you drag me inside your room ?" She says laughing , I let out a long sigh .
" I kissed Christian" I say to her , her eyes widen as I say that .
" NO WAY!" She says walking to me and she hugs me jumping up and down .
" wait your not mad at me?" I ask her , she pulls away and looks at me,
" why would I be mad , I noticed the sexual tension between you two since day one jade" my eyes widen as she says that .
" oh Blake please stop" I say gagging , she laughs at my reaction .
" you guys need to talk about what's gonna happen next , you guys both like each other it's obvious" Blake says , does he like me? I mean he did respond to the kiss and he seemed to like it..should I talk to him?
" yes you should talk to him Hopkins stop thinking too much" I playfully roll my eyes and hug her , I'm so glad I have her as a best friend.


After jade left I couldn't stop thinking about her and her soft lips..why would she tease me like that ?
" hey , I wanted to tell you stay away from jade alright ? You don't deserve her she's too good for you" I look at him and sit up from my bed , I stand up and he crossed his arms ,
" and what would you know Asher ? You barely know her , I know what she deserves and that's me. We get each other and even though I've done stupid things we always come back together" I look down as I say that .
" are you falling in love with her?" I quickly look up at him ,
" what ? Why would you say that?" I ask him , he looks at me for a moment .
" because I am too"

Oh fuck.


I slowly open my eyes and look at the clock . It's only 11pm why on earth am I up? I look at my balcony doors and realize there open. Am I in some kind of horror movie ? I get up and slowly walk to the doors ,
" jade" I scream and jump up as I hear a voice behind me , I turn to see Christian .
" Christian? What the hell are you doing here?!" I say in a whisper yet scream.
" I wa-" I signal him to be quiet as I hear footsteps coming towards my room ,
" my brothers coming hurry hide in the closet!" I say as I push him in . I shut the door and I go to my bed and go on my phone . The door then opens and Andrew walks in,
" you okay I heard you scream ?" He says looking at me ,
" I'm sorry I was watching a video and it frightened me , a pop up scare" I say with a forced chuckle , he looks at me for a moment .
" okay ,go to sleep we have school tomorrow" I nod and turn off my phone . Andrew walks out and closes the door and I get up and open my closet doors .
" explain how you got in and why you are here" I say crossing my arms .
" you know why I'm here" he says walking towards me , I back up and he grabs my arms holding me in place .
" you left me wanting more princess" I look up at him and I hold my breath, is he really saying this right now ?
" w-what do you mean?" I ask innocently, he smirks at me .
" your telling me you forgot about our little kiss?" I notice him look down at my lips then back at my eyes .
" I didn't know what I was doing" I say looking down , he lets go of my arms and I feel him put his hand under my chin lifting my head up to look at him .
" yes you did" he says in a quiet voice , he leans down and our lips meet , I can't believe I'm kissing Christian star right now , well again . He wraps his hand around my waist tightly and I gasp escapes my mouth ,
" you drive me crazy" I hear him mumble against my lips , we pull away and he looks at me.
" what does this mean ?" I ask him , he caresses my cheek .
" I want you to be my girlfriend" my eyes slightly widen at what he just said .
" what about Chelsea ?" I ask him with a playful glare ,
" my parents forced me to be with her , but no more. I want you" he says , I smile and I hug him . I nod and look up at him.
" yes Christian star I will be your girlfriend" I say , he smiles and kisses me , I respond and wrap my hands around his neck .
What a night .


I wake up and sit up , was that a dream ? Please tell me that wasn't a dream. My phone dings and I look at the notification.

Good morning princess~Christian

I sigh in relief, it was real ..I'm Christian stars girlfriend. I get out of bed and jump up and down ,
" why are you so excited?" I look to see Andrew , hurry think of something!!
" um..I'm ready for those pancakes?" He gives me a confused look, what the heck was that Hopkins ?!
" okay?" He says walking downstairs for breakfast, I grab my phone to text Christian back .

Good morning , slept well?~ jade

Of course , I watched you half the night.

He did what ?! He didn't actually stay the whole night watching me did he?

I'm kidding princess, relax I left when you told me too ~ Christian

I chuckle as he texts me that , he knows me so well . Even what I'm thinking .
" jade breakfast!" I hear my mother say , I walk out the room and head downstairs. I look at Andrew and sigh to myself, how am gonna tell him?
Tell Andrew I'm dating Christian mission in tact , good luck to me.

Hello guys ! I know I've been m.i.a I'm sorry ! But here's a chapter for you guys❤️ I hope you enjoy it and I'll see you next chapter my loves💕

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