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(Evil Organization Leaders)

(Maxie And Archie)


" okay so we will split up to take then down " ash began to say to his friends.

Ash/Gary/Brock/Barry/Max will take on magma.

Samuel/Dawn/Bonnie/Cheri/Sora will take on aqua.


As they swam to magma's hideout, max heard a conversation.

He recognized maxie's voice but he heard another voice.

His sister may.

" so you have the coordinats to groundon miss may " maxie said with a sick smirk on his face.

" yes i have maxie, and the idiotic champion still thinks I'm gonna save groundon ha ! " may said laughing at the end.

Max growled, and told ash and the rest.

" damn it, okay luckily i got us some masks to hide our identity " ash said, handing out masks.

The mask had goggles that hide the eyes from the others while still letting the person wearing the mask see, the mask also covers the mouth with a cloth piece that protects the mouth from harmful chemicals and substances.

They got on their jackets to the hide their hair, then dropped in.

Max already sent out grovyle who used some vines to keep maxie on place.

Ash used his aura powers to tie may and maxie up, but the aura ropes don't show themselves so they are invisible.

" time to take out the trash " gary said, hiding his voice by making it deeper.

" security! " maxie and may called out, struggling to escape.

" don't even bother, we took them out and i think that one magma admin was still bleeding when i asked my marshstomp to use rollout " brock said, also making his voice deeper to hide his identity.

Maxie and may looked in horror, wondering why these people took delight in this.

" well no use in wasting time, pokemon you know what to do " max said making his voice higher to hide his identity.

Barry also took may's pokeballs and released the pokemon inside.

" you wanna join us? we can give you a better home " barry said making his voice deeper to hide his identity.

Her pokemon nodded, her pokemon were sick and tired of her.

So barry and ash and the others tossed some pokeballs to her pokemon, and the pokeballs dinged on the first shake and they took the pokeballs and put them in their bags.

" hey you can't take my pokemon " may said enraged.

" too bad so sad bitch, you starved your pokemon to the point of death just for contests " ash said his voice still deep.

So their pokemon unleashed their most powerful attacks point blank at maxie and may.

When the dust cleared, maxie and may were badly burned and damaged but still alive.

The police will collect them soon, so ash and co ran out until they were far away from the magma base.

They took off the masks and put them back into their bags.

" i can't believe may would be a part of a evil organization " max said distraught.

" don't worry max, we made sure she didn't succeed in stealing groundon " brock said, trying to cheer up max.

" so how about some food ? i'm starving " ash said, his stomach growling for nourishment.

" sure, i saw a McDonald's near here " gary said, leading the way to the fast food place.


Cheri already changed her outfit, to fit better and to kick ass in.

It was a female biker uniform and her hair was in a long ponytail.

They put on the masks that ash bought, and used their hoodies and jackets to hide their hair, then went in the base.

As they were walking in sora saw a bunch of aqua grunts beating up a spheal.

Sora immediately sent out his primarina and the selkie pokemon used sing to kock the grunts out, while sora kicked them in the nuts and tits.

" come here little fella, i won't hurt you " sora said, holding out a dive ball.

The spheal gave sora sloppy wet kisses, then bopped the ball.

It dinged before the ball even shaked.

° congrats on getting a spheal ° the primarina said with a smile.

Sora returned the pokemon back into the ball and put the two balls back into his bag.

" let's go " sora said, hoping ash's group did well on their mission.

Soon they reached archie, and he wasn't alone.

He had matt and shelly, with all their pokemon out.

Samuel and the others sent out their pokemon too.

The battle lasted about 5 minutes when the admins and archie's last pokemon fainted.

The aqua admins and archie returned their pokemon but cecil used fire spin to trap them.

After some dust settled the admins and archie were badly hurt, but alive.

" who are you " archie said, with anger in voice.

" your worst nightmare motherfucker " cheri said, kicking him in the mouth, knocking him out cold and knocking some teeth out.

They got out and took the masks off, and went to the same McDonald's ash and his friends were at.

" so how'd it go " bonnie said, sipping on a sprite.

" perfectly " ash said, smiling.

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