chapter 8:adjusting(:

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Cede's POV

After watching all the toy sotry movies everyone headed to bed. Cali went into our room a while ago , got tired of thinking i suppose. And Louis and Harry never came out of their room. I walked into the kitchen to make so mac-n-cheese. Shortly after Niall walked in , his hair was slightly messy but it was adorable."that smells AMAZING , enough for two??" he asked batting his eyes. I laughed at his way of getting my food." yes Niall." He grabbed two cups and two bowls from the cupboard. After filling the glasses he set them at the table and walked up behind me and put his arms around me. I smiled and sunk into his chest , the scent of his cologne was amazing.He turned me around and set me up on the counter wrapping my legs around him , and pushed my hair out of my face slowly kissing me.My heart started beating faster as he bit my lower lip , then his tongue was exploring my mouth , our lips moving in sync. i was playing with the back of his hair and his hands were at the small of my back. Then i pulled away and pushed him back jumping off the counter and turning the stove off and the pot into the sink. The water had over boiled and was all over. While Niall cleaned that up i made3 us both jelly toast and we sat down to eat. Once i was done i threw our dishes in the sink and went of to bed , saying our good-nights.I think it was about 1 and i cracked open my door to see Harry laying beside Cali with his arms around her. AW! I took a picture of course and went to the couch for the night , man Harry is one sneaky boy.


I woke up to giggling and heard a click. I didn't want to wake up yet so i groaned and just turned over. Then i remembered all the boys from one direction were watching me sleep , and I'm sure i looked a hot mess! So i sat up and threw my hair into a ponytail  , and wiped the sleep from my eyes. ok i'm decent now. Niall and Zayn plopped down on either side of me  , Niall was laughing and Zayn was on his phone.Next thing i know i have 5 twitter notifications , 4 were Louis ,Liam,Zayn,and Niall following me. And the other was a picture of me sleeping from Zayn . He's lucky i looked ok for sleeping since the whole world can now see that or else i would have strangled him! I punched his arm jokingly ,"Karma's a bitch you know Zayn." I said walking into the kitchen with Liam and Louis for food.


Cali's POV

I woke up to an amazing smelling cologne. I was confused , why'd Cede smell like that , and why was she cuddling with me ? I turned over and saw Harry laying next to me. The biggest grin was on my face , i probably looked like and idiot but oh well , I kissed his for head and he batted open his eyes." good morning beautiful" he said in the sexiest morning voice."I can arrest you for rape Mr. Styles." I said winking . He smiled " It's not rape if you like it , plus i was only keeping you company." I smiled at that then he leaned in to kiss me.But i pulled away before he could , i felt bad cause he looked sad.I scrunched up my nose and laughed , "Morning breath." I said going to the bathroom as he followed.As i was brushing my teeth and he was putting toothpaste on his brush he said "Well I'm glad to see your still in my jacket." I cleaned up and said "Well sorry I wasn't aware i couldn't". He laughed and cleaned up and we went to get breakfast.But i felt his hands on my hips , he turned me around and smashed his lips into mine. Our lips moved in sync , he held me against the wall , my arms and legs wrapped around him. This kiss wasn't like last night , it was like he was hungry for this kiss.We pulled away smiling and out of breath.Just then did i realize he was only in his boxers.I looked him up and down then whispered "Rape" with a wink. I hopped down and ran out of the room screaming "RAPE!" on the top of my lungs to cause everyone to come. Cede was first to come running up to me , she saw Harry , gasped and covered my eyes. " Harry , she's MINE!" Cede yelled guiding me into the kitchen. Louis followed ashamed and made Harry put on some pants while the other guys were laughing.


ok here's more guys hope you like it!(:

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