Shattered emotions ( Ch. 2 )

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"DREAM!! YOU NEED TO STOP THIS!" Ink called out, brushing the black ink from the corner of his mouth as he panted.

Dream's gaze hardened as he stared at his old friend.

"Stop this? STOP THIS?!?" Dream's arms fell back to his side as he glared, "How can I stop what I am?! TELL ME, INK! IF YOU KNOW HOW ELSE I CAN BE ACCEPTED BY MY BROTHER?!"

Ink was taken aback as realization washed over him, finding Nightmare the way he had... Dream's sudden personality change the same day when he left saying he was going out... it was all making sense.

"...Dream, please, your brother doesn't want this. He loves you the way you were, I know this! I- "

"...Ink..." Dream started coldly, walking up to the injured skeleton before lifting him with a tendril, "...How can an emotionless freak like you...understand any emotions others feel at all...?" Dream's words came out calm and cold, no feeling was held behind them as he stared into Ink's wide eye sockets.

Yes, he knew Ink being emotionless due to his lack of a soul was a touchy subject for the artistic skeleton, yet he needed to end this meaningless conversation before it wasted any more valuable time, he could be using to find the others.

".... I...." Ink's voice fell as he averted his gaze downward. He knew Dream was could he ever know? He can't even remember what is was like to have a soul of his own... to...not have fake emotions.


"...That's what I thought. Now be a good boy, and stay out of my way," Dream hissed as he roughly tossed Ink down in the blank void, glaring harshly before walking away and leaving the 'wretched place'.


"Mwehehe! ~ Brother! I'm so excited!!!~" Blue announced happily as he ran around the older house, cleaning.

"Hm? And why is that, bro?" Pappy asked as he laid on the couch, resting his cheekbone against his palm as he watched the TV.

Blue paused, standing right in front of the TV as he blankly stared at his older brother.


a few light knocks sounded to the door, Blue swiftly turned to it star-eyed as he released a semi-squeal, "IT'S CHARA!!!~ CHARA'S HERE FOR OUR DATE!!~" Blue happily announced to his brother as he ran over to the door, tripping in the process, but making it nonetheless.

"Hello human! I hope you are ready for our daaaa...err...who's that with you?" Blue blinked.

Pappy came over to see what was happening as he saw his little brother sulking in the corner of the room muttering things like 'it's our first date and she comes with someone else..'
However, his eye sockets widened slightly as he spotted who was there, his 'magic eye' activating as it glowed a dim orange.

"It's your cousin... he came to visit...!" Chara said with a gentle smile.

Pappy locked eyes with his and Blue's 'Cousin', a smirk on the others face.

"Why hello, 'cousin''s so good to see you again~" Dream purred out with a smirk, staring directly into Pappy's pupils.

(also elsewhere- XD)

"...I swear...those AUs are getting out of hand, I best of see to it that they're fixed..." a glitched voice grumbled.

"I mean- seriously, the hell does that damned squid see in those annoying AUs?! I swear he's so confusing sometimes..." Error sighed as he shook his head, walking through the anti-void.

"Hmm...wait, who the hell? - "Error paused, blinking as he narrowed his gaze at a hazy figure in the distance.

"...Mph...stupid...eyes..." Error grumbled as he searched through his hoodie before pulling out his glasses and putting them on, blinking as he stared at the figure once more.

"...Is that?" Error muttered slightly to himself as he walked over, eye sockets widening as he fully saw who it was.


Shattered Dreams ( An AU! Dream Sans fan fiction )Where stories live. Discover now