(Ch. 3) the void of helplessness

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"INK!-" Error instantly ran to the injured skeleton's side, sliding onto his knees as he stared at Ink.

"...I-....Ink?" Error warily murmured, hesitantly reaching out and shifting the artistic skeleton.

"...Ngh...o-ow..." Ink mumbled, his voice coming out scratchy somewhat as he trembled.

"Ink..! Oh stars what....what happened?" Error frowned as he carefully scooped up the skeleton in his arm, black ink and magic leaking from his wounds.

Ink winced at the motion yet had found himself leaning towards Error as he shut his eye sockets tightly.

"..I-It's Dream...he...he's changed, Error...h-...he's...he's been consumed by negativity!" Ink's voice shook as he started sobbing into the deep blue scarf that Error wore.

This surprised Error, though, seeing Ink as he was. He knew that Ink had no soul, and therefor couldn't feel things without his vials. He... He knew Ink could never love him back truly. The artistic skeleton made this clear himself.

"...Woah there, squid. I actually like this scarf – don't get it soggy," Error joked slightly as he saw Ink smile a little at the joke.

"...S-..sorry," Ink mumbled silently.

Error sighed.

"what happened?"

Ink fell silent, his pale white pupils averting to the ground as Error carried him to where he stayed in the blank void.


Error sat down as he observed Ink, his pupils searching the other's expression for anything, anything at all.

"....Dream, " Ink finally mumbled with a pause, "...he's...changed. He did this.."

Error stared at Ink in surprise. Dream, THAT Dream, did THIS???

"Ink...tell me.."

"...." Ink quietly looked up at Error before sighing as he explained it.

( Elsewhere~ )

"...I wonder what's taking him so long...?" Nightmare frowned as he sat on his borrowed bed.

'did something happen..?'

Nightmare sighed before getting up, about to go check to see if he could find the creator before pausing as he heard the house's front door open.

'Oh- he must be back..!'

"Hey, Ink! Welcome ba-...." Nightmare's eye sockets widened as he froze at the top of the stairs, his hand going to his mouth at what he saw.

"...Hey, Goopy, you gonna help or just stand there..?" Error grumbled as he had Ink's arm over his shoulders, his other hand supporting the injured creator so he could stand.

"....I...." Nightmare rushed down, panic in his pupils.

"Oh...heyy, Nighty....pfft...sorry, this is gonna be a bit of a mess to clean...I promise i'll clean it when I...." Ink winced as he felt himself being led then laid down on his couch, "....oh geez...he dealt me a number more than i t-thought..." Ink shakily grinned.

"....Don't talk right now, idiot... just rest and get better quick," Error sighed silently as he sat beside Ink on the couch, closing one of his eye sockets as he watched the injured creator.

Ink chuckled silently, suppressing a wince, "a...h....alright...i am a bit....tired anyway....um, make yourself at...home i suppose..." Ink's gaze trailed up to the wary smaller skeleton who took a seat in a nearby chair, "....sorry, Nightmare...i know you don't need to deal with this right now..."

"It's fine, Ink...don't worry about it too much--"


both skeletons froze before their gazes went to the doorway, a dazed and confused expression on Ink's face.


"Stay here with Ink, Nightmare-" Error growled out slightly before getting up and going to the door, stiffening at what he saw.

"Please....my brother- he's....h-..." there was sobbing as Error stared wide-eyed.

"...Error..?" Nightmare frowned as he got up, walking to the door, "what is it...!!-" Nightmare stared in shock.

"...dammit, i told you to stay..." Error mumbled in a distracted tone.

"....P...Please....help.." Blue sobbed as he held his bloodied and injured brother , tears streaming down his face.


Ahh, chapter three, finally. Sorry for the short chapter and long wait you guys! College has been a bugger XD but i should hopefully be able to update more frequently now too!

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