Chapter 28

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Marshall's POV

As I walked into Denaun's outdoor area with Chelsea, my poor ears were abused by the teeth gritting sound of Game Time by Flo Rider, I let go of Chelsea's waist for cover my ears.

(Music is suited 😂😂😂, it's about getting out of the friend zone)

"Fuck" I groaned as I glared up at a Grinning Royce standing next to Denaun's sound system with is arms pointing at me, nodding his head.

"Fuck it off"

"What?" He yelled pretending he couldn't hear me "I can't hear you over this dope track" he turned the volume right up.

Denauns lost it laughing.

"It's about to go down in a minute
Let me touchdown, I'mma get it
Cause I, I, I been waiting all night
To make it go from the friend zone to the end zone
Tryna take it to the house, baby, let's go
Cause I, I, I been waiting all night
It's game time"

I stood there grinding my teeth.

"You cunts about finished?"

They were both bent over holding their sides, trying to continue the song.

I walked over and snatched the remote out of Royce's hand and skipped the song.

"Damn man, Marshall you're such a baby"
Denaun laughed falling back on one of the chairs "Your face"

Royce and Denaun hi fived.

"You two are idiots"

"Marshall boo, these two are driving me crazy" Tee said rolling her eyes "They've been planning that stupid entrance all week"

Even Royce's wife looked fed up.

Chelsea laughed then sat down on one of the other outdoor sofas and I followed, Still gripping the remote.

Tee grinned at us.

"Stop looking at us like that"

"Have you told the kids yet" She smiled, I'm so fucking happy for you two, about fucking time"

"No, we haven't" Chelsea answered.

"They gonna know soon enough anyways" I said throwing a look at Royce who raised his hands "Nah man that's all you"

"How's it been" Royce's wife smiled "I mean, I obviously know because of him but you know"

"Doesn't feel any different" I shrugged and smiled at Chelsea.

"That's coz you dumb asses were doing it all along"

"Ok, fuck we know"

"I told you so" Royce said.

I turned to Chelsea who laughed "I told you he'd be the first to say it"

"Oh fuck off"

"You people are like little old ladies" Tee laughed standing up and popping a bottle of champagne and pouring A few glasses for them.

"Ok all jokes aside, we're glad" Denaun said "But we did tell you what's up"

"Yeah, Yeah Whatever, Just please don't play that song ever again"

They both laughed at me.

This was gonna be a long night of them making fun of me.


Chelsea stumbled through the threshold of my front entrance.

"Shit" she said as I grabbed her waist "Sorry" she mumbled "It's so dark"

"No you're just drunk" I chuckled.

"I'm tipsy, not drunk"

"Just go upstairs, I'll lock up, try not to break your neck up the stairs"

"I won't sheesh" She said with a slight slur kicking her Nike's off and walked slowly up the stairs.

I locked up, grabbed two bottles of water, grabbed Chelsea's overnight bag she's left behind and headed upstairs into my bedroom.

Chelsea laid in the middle of my bed in nothing but my T-shirt flipping through the music channel on the tv.

I stood in the doorway admiring the view.

Yeah, the more I think about it the more comfortable I get with the thought of her being my girlfriend.

"I know I'm gorgeous Marshall, but you can stop staring and come join me"

I chuckled as I could see her smile, not even looking in my direction.

I stripped off and climbed into my bed next to her.

"Do you think they'll get over obsessing about us?"

"I'm sure it will pass, our friends are very invested in our happiness" I chuckled.

"Good, because I'm sick of people being all up in our business" She said and looked up to me "Your eyes are so blue tonight"

"I really think you need sleep, you're drunk"


"Wha..." I said before I was cut off by Chelsea kissing me mid sentence and straddling me.

Yeah okay.

I gripped her hips harder as she sat up, pulling the shirt over her head, throwing it down and slowly started to rotate her hips and grind herself against me.

"Uh, you're fucking killing me" I said as my eyes ran over her naked body on top of me.

"I can feel that" she smiled down at me.

This is the only time I appreciate Chelsea's playlist playing.

Hell Pia Mia, do it again can play all night as long as Chelsea's moving to the beat.

I grunted as I was starting to painfully aware that I belonged inside her.

This teasing was too much.

I lifted Chelsea and slowly sunk her down on top of me, she moaned feeling me fill her.

"You feel so good Marsh" she said and continued to rotate her hips and ride me.

I literally felt my eyes roll into the back of my fucking head.

I was about to fucking bust.

Throwing her head back she started to ride faster, calling out my name as she moaned.

I was gritting my teeth begging myself not to blow as I felt it building.

She leaned forward "I'm gonna cum baby" she moaned.

That's all I needed, I dug my fingers into her skin and slammed into her, releasing the same time.

She fell on my chest, still straddling me.

"Fuck Chelsea, you got me fucked up" I said breathing heavily trying to catch my breath.

"I wanted to do that all night"

"Fuck you don't need to wait or ask, you want it, I'm yours for the taking, I've told you before, don't give a fuck who's watching"

Chelsea laughed as she got up and went to the bathroom to clean up and then came back.

"Now I'm ready to sleep" She smiled crawling into my arm.

I pulled her close to me, her resting on my chest.

I was sure as fuck gonna sleep like a baby now.

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