Chapter 51

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Marshall's POV

"Is she alright?" Dre said quietly turning to me.

We were sitting at the soundboard in his home studio working on some beats, Chelsea was sitting next to Nicole intently chatting on the couch across the room.

"Family issues" I said hitting a few switches "What you think about this? And she had a phone all from her sister about her mom"

"Did you say they're estranged?"

"Yeah but some shit when down and her man left her taking everything valuable and emptying her bank account so her sister as asked that she check in"

"That's cold man"

"Yeah but her mother's exactly like My mom, you know how Debbie is, doesn't want to help herself but expects others to give her a free hand out" I sighed.

"You gonna head up to the old hood with her then?"

"Hell yes I am, I ain't gonna leave her alone to do this, what if shit happens"

Dre smirked at me.



"Why you lookin' at me like that then?"

"Oh just that when you started to have an interest in that woman you were all like "I'll never date" and you all but popped the question", love sick puppy"

"Man don't you even start" I huffed "I get enough shit already"

"You literally just paraded that woman in front of the world down a red carpet, get ready, this has only just started" He laughed and started to pinch his nose to sound like my nasally voice "I'd rather have a baby through my penis then get married again"

I pretended to ignore him and hit some buttons.

"Fuck you, we ain't getting married"

Dre just continued to laugh and mock me in what sounded like a Wal-Mart version of Slim Shady.

"Man I'm telling you now, you'll end up marrying that woman"

"We ain't going to get married, I just said what I said didn't I?"

"Fuck You trying to pull with me? I know you better then you know you Em" Dre Cackled.

I started to get annoyed so I started actually ignore his dumb ass.

Who the fuck he think he is.

I don't want to get married and I think I'd know what I want.

Chelsea isn't interested in it either, so fuck the lot of them.


"Why are you sulking? What happed?" Chelsea's voice came from behind me as I started to pack my shit up that afternoon.

"You know Marshall, he's a bitch" Dre chuckled.

I'm not a bitch.

"I'm sick of this asshole, and it's been a long day"

"You might wanna give him a warm bath and a bottle when you get back to the hotel" Dre sniggers.

I rolled my eyes.

"I was kidding you punk"

"Your jokes blow major cock" I said standing up "I'll see you when you come to Detroit"

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