Chapter 48

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Chelsea POV

"Marshall the answers still no"

"Woman, You can't just say no, listen to what I'm just saying first" Marshall huffed at me.

"I am, can't just do that though, I have work and I don't think you need that kinda attention"

"It's two fucking weeks, I'm sure work will allow it and an appearance at an awards, I don't give a fuck about the attention you know that"

I sniffed in frustration, we'd been back and forth with this all day.

He wanted me to to go to New York and Cali with him for two weeks while he did some business with Paul and Dre and then after also attend an awards as his date.

"I'll dress up in a gown and go with you" Hunter said piping up, shoving his empty dinner plate away from himself.

Marshall laughed "I would, I'm sure you'd look just as pretty in a dress Hunter, but I want ya ma with me on this one" he then sighed and continued "I'm not gonna beg Chels, but I want you to come"

"You kinda are begging man"

"Hunter sweetheart, stop it" I said shaking my head "What about work?"

"Book time off? Or bring it with you"

"And the awards? Are you ready for that? We haven't actually officially done anything like that together yet"

"I don't answer questions anyways, they know we're together, it's just not been announced, fuck them"

I pursued my lips and looked at the two men in front of me, Hunter with his stupid grin nodding at me and Marshalls serious expression.

"Ok fine"

"See was that so hard?" Marshall said standing up "I'll go let Paul know so you're my Plus one, go get your work shit sorted and buy a dress, we'll be leaving on Friday morning"

I smiled and rolled my eyes and waved him off as he walked out of the room.

"I'm still in awe, even after all this time"

"And why is that my son?"

Hunter smirked and sat back in the chair.

"My mom brings Slim Shady to his knees"

"Not this again" I sighed picking up our dishes and taking them into the kitchen, Hunter following close behind.

"The man is so whipped with you mom, I cannot believe you still don't see that, if I was a betting man, I'd put money on you getting married"

"We're not going to get married, what is with you guys? All of you know how Marshall and I feel about it yet you're all riding us all the time"

"Call it a son's intuition"

"Well it's wrong" I said "Mind your own business"

Hunter playfully raised his hands "Ain't my fault all I see is happiness, hell I'd be proud to call that man my step dad"

"Hunter ofcouse you would, he's your literal damn idol" I chucked finishing off the dishes.

"Nah I respect him, not as the rapper but as the man dating my mother, I'm pretty sure he'd do anything for you just to see you happy, and that's why I respect him so much"

"He'd do anything for me is an understatement" I smiled pulling him into a hug "I'm glad I finally found a man that respects us both too"

Hunter gave me a smile and picked up his things and car keys.

"I'll see you when you get back, don't forget to buy me something cool, I gotta split and pick up the ball and chain, love ya, can you tell Marshall I said goodbye?"

"Will do, drive safe, love you too sweetheart" I said kissing his cheek and waving at him as he rushed out of the kitchen.

A few minutes later I was startled by Marshall's appearance, smirk twitching at the corner at his mouth.

"Hunter said goodbye, he's running late" I said walking into the living room as Marshall followed quietly.

"Oh ok, I'll catch up with him later, the trips all sorted"

"Great, I'll text Tee in a bit and arrange to go shopping maybe tomorrow or something" I said sitting on the couch as Marshall fell down next to me.

"You okay? You're about quiet, not like you" I said flicking on the tv. And then looking at him, he still at a strange look across his face.

"Nah I'm all good I just.." he said and trailed off "With the risk of sounding like I was eavesdropping, which I wasn't, I was about to walk back into the kitchen when I realised you both were having a moment"

"Spit it out Marshall"

"I overheard you guys talking about the marriage again, and then Hunter saying he respected me"

"Ofcouse he respects you, why wouldn't he, you're a great man" I smiled giving his beard a stroke.

"It's the way he said it, like sure I knew he was a fan but shit, he has REAL respect for me like as your man"

"Again I'm not sure why it's surprising you Marshall" I chuckled.

"Well I guess I ain't had other people's respect like that you know, especially no one related to the woman I'm with"

"Baby, you deserve all this respect and more" I said as he pulled me close placing a kiss on my lips.

"It's almost like I'm full of pride you know? Hunters a great kid and I kinda feel privileged that he feels that way, I don't got a son to compare and it feels almost like he's given me his blessing to be with you, He's also treated me with nothing but respect since day one" Marshall said, kissing me in the nape of my neck.

"I raised him like that, but in saying that you're the only boyfriend he's liked, he doesn't even like his own father and that says a lot" I laughed snuggling under Marshall's arms more as we settled in to watch a movie, it was the first time in ages we had been able to settle in and watch a movie together without one of us having some kind of work to catch up on.

It actually felt good to know where Hunter and Marshall stood with each other, it meant the world to me that they got along.

It meant even more to me that Hunter respected Marshall, he'd never respected any men I'd been with when his father and I first divorced.

I'd worked hard all my life to be happy, and no I finally was, but the bonus was I got to share that happiness with the man I loved, something I never thought would happen.

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