t w e n t y - o n e

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A/N sorry i think i just laughed for like 30 mins bc of the photo attached, and it will suit later on this chapter bc of jackson lmao i cant take this seriously


I shake her, wanting her to wake up. My tears swell up to my eyes and let them fall continuously as I hug her tightly.

"Hyung, get her on the couch" Youngjae said, panickly. I nodded and carried her fragile body over the couch.

"I'll call my family doctor, I think he lives nearby" Jb spoke trying to stay calm and walked out of the room.

"Yugyeom, hand me some towels and water" I stared at her, not really knowing what to do but clean her up for now. I got no answer from the kid so i looked up and see him still standing there, just staring into space, not moving because of the things happening right now. "Gyeom-ah!" He blinked numerously and nod quickly before leaving to the kitchen. Remind me later to apologize to this poor kid. Im assuming he's having a hard time because of what happened as he is strangely silent the whole time.

"What the fuck exactly happened between you two?" Mark asked, getting angry.

"I-i, we... i dont know" i mumbled.

"How the hell did she end up like this??" I looked at him clenching his fist.

"I don't fucking know! I just left her there and-"

"YOU LEFT HER??" Jackson out of knowhere exclaimed. He went towards me and grabbed my collar by his fist. I forcefully move his body from me and pushed him. He stumbled back but gained his balance. Without a doubt, his fist landed on my face.

I am in no place to hit back, so I let him be. Before hitting me the second time, Mark went behind him and linked his arms with him from the back.

"Why the hell would you leave her huh?!" He yelled trying to get out of mark's grip. I stayed silent. "You said you will protect her!"

"We all know what happened earlier to her. She is freaking trying to hard to talk to you but you just ignored her. She wanted your comfort and now this? Where were you when she needed you?!" I bit my lip and looked down. He wasn't wrong. I just dropped on my knees beside Jihyun and cried.

"What the hell is going on?" I heard Jb's voice.

"Things got a little bit heated" Mark said and sighed.

I heard muuffling sounds and door slamming.

"Sorry, i'm so sorry..." I continue saying as I reached for her hand. Tears were flowing. I never knew I could be heartbroken like this. I was a mess.

"Can you guys leave us for a moment. Gyeom-ah, i'll have that" I heard JB say and everyone quietly obliged. "Young-ah..." I feel him patting my back.

"It's all my fault JB. I was being selfish. i never should've left her" i wiped my tears and leaned on the couch, still on the floor.

"Tell me what happened. As much as I want to be angry at you both, I can't." I nod slowly and start telling him everything.

He sighed deeply and rubbed his palm on his face frustratingly. "Look, we all understand how you felt that time, we couldnt help but worry for her too." He said as i continue to dab the towel on the side of her head to clean some dried blood. "But Jinyoung, you should control your anger, not all the time she would be there to comfort you. Especially earlier, she was in state of shock and she didnt know what to do. She just wanted for you to be there for her and being mad at her was the very last thing she needed."

I nod at him, completely understanding of what he is saying. "I know, and i've been hurting myself because of not even thinking about doing that" i said as i reached out for her wrist, slightly covered with some bruises and nail marks because of my doings.

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