Emotional Day

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I woke up and Jay's arm was still around me. I kissed his cheek then got out of bed I had been thinking for days that since I got pregnant I haven't been myself. I haven't been out running or done anything like that and that's just not me. I looked in my wardrobe and saw a pair of navy blue yoga pants and a blue sports bra. I wasn't going out so I didn't bother hiding my tiny bump. I walked downstairs and put on some relaxing music I hoped this would help with my stress levels and not just help me feel like me. I did some yoga and Jay walked down the stairs he sat on the sofa and watched me. I finished doing yoga and went to kiss him I sat down on the sofa and he put his hand on my bump "Your hands are freezing" he started to laugh "want me to warm them up?" "yes," he kissed me "we better get ready for work".

I walked up the stairs and into the bathroom. I started to be sick so I waited before going in the shower "You can go in the shower" "I'm fine" I finally stopped being sick and I got into the shower. I got out and put my hair into dutch braids and threw on my uniform so we could leave later. Jay was holding my bag so I didn't forget to pack it "There is lots of sweet stuff in there so you will survive" I started to laugh "I'm not that bad" I grabbed an extra uniform and put it into my bag along with my makeup bag I had stopped wearing makeup but I never know if I'm going to need it. I grabbed my bag and boots and walked down the stairs.

I walked into the kitchen and opened the cupboard and took out my vitamins and an apple from the fruit bowl. I took my vitamins and ate the apple before putting my boots on. I grabbed my phone and charger and put them into my duffel bag. I grabbed my jacket and put it on I kissed Coco goodbye and Jay grabbed my bag. "I can still carry it" "No need but what is in this" "My uniform, clothes for tomorrow, shoes and the food you put in it" I got into the car and waited for Jay. Jay put my bag in the back and when he got in the car he turned the heating on full blast. "So I said to Herrman I would help at Molly's tomorrow" "Ok" "I can cancel if you want" "No it's fine" "Ok"

We pulled up to 51 and I kissed Jay then grabbed my bag out of the back of his car. "Morning Sylvie" "Morning, I still can't believe that you and Jay were a thing on your what 3rd shift here" I laughed "Well I have magic powers" We walked up towards the apparatus floor and Casey walked past us and looked at Sylvie. I turned to face her "What was that?" "What" "You and Casey" "Are you crazy" "I'm pregnant of course I'm crazy" She looked at me and walked away "Sylvie" she stopped and turned around "You and Casey slept together didn't you" I whispered she nodded and walked away. I walked into the locker room and put my bag and jacket in my locker and took out my CFD Paramedic coat and put it on.

I walked into the common room and Sylvie was sitting with Joe at the circle table behind the sofa. I walked over and sat next to them "So Sylvie" "You can't say anything becasue you and Jay hid it for what 3 days" "and you were the first to know I was pregnant" she sighed "We did it once" "when?" "Tuesday after shift" "Sylvie" I got up and walked away. Just as my favourite sound of a Friday morning rung.

Squad 3, Truck 81, Ambulance 61, Engine 51, Battalion 25 Structure Fire 825 South Bishop Street

I wasn't meant to run but when it said structure fire we all know we have to get there as fast as possible. I jumped into the driver's side and started driving. "So Sylvie how was it?" "What?" I looked at her then at the road. We arrived at the structure fire just after 81 so we were the last people there. I got out and pulled on my blue rubber gloves and grabbed the gurney out of the back of the ambulance hoping we wouldn't have to use it. "Brett, Hart Herrman is coming out with a smoke inhalation victim" I ran over with the gurney while Sylvie grabbed the medical bags. Herrmann walked out with the little girl and put her on the gurney "Hi sweetie what's your name?" "I'm Piper but where is Heath?" "Who's Heath?" "My twin brother he was in his bedroom" "Severide, Casey we have a little boy in one of the rooms," I said over my radio just as Otis walked out with him. Otis put him down on the step of the ambo. "Hey Heath I'm Kat and this is Sylvie, does anything hurt?" "No" They were both coughing. "Ok let's give you two some oxygen" Sylvie walks over "Heath, Piper was there anyone else in the house?" "No our mum went out for some food and I have never met our dad" "Piper, Heath" the mum came running over to the ambo but Capp stopped her. "Capp it's ok" Capp let her go and she came over and hugged her kids. Casey walked over and smiled at Brett "The fire was electrical so you did nothing wrong so don't blame yourself" "Thanks Casey now let's get these two to med" Sylvie jumped in the back beside Piper and Heath. "Mum do you have any way of getting to Chicago Med?" "Yes, I have a car" "Ok we will meet you at Chicago Med then" I got into the ambo and started driving to med.

I jumped out when we got to med and helped Heath out. "Talk to me Brett, Hart" Sylvie nodded to me "So this is Heath he has some smoke inhalation but no major injuries that we can see of" "Maggie this is Piper Heath's twin sister she also has some smoke inhalation but again no major injuries that we can see of" "Ok Heath with Will in Trauma 1 and Piper with Nat in Trauma 3" I walked into Trauma 1 with Heath "Heath this is Will he's an ok doctor but I trust him ok" I crouched down the side of the bed "Is Piper ok?" "Piper will be fine" "Kat can you stay here?" "Will is it ok?" "Sure" I sat down on the chair next to his bed and Sylvie walked in "I'll wait with Piper" "Ok Heath you are free to go see your sister" He jumped off the bed and hugged me "Thank you Kat" "Go see your sister" I felt a tear fall down my face "No crying because then I have to tell Jay" "You dare" I gave him a death stare. Sylvie walked out and walked over to me. "I did the paperwork while waiting" We walked out to the ambulance and started driving back to 51. "That was sweet what you did for that kid" "My heart doesn't feel the same".

We got back to 51 and everyone turned to look "How're the kids?" "Both kids are fine" "What took you two so long?" "Kat's big heart" "The boy asked me to stay with a tear in his eye I was not going to say no" Jay walked in with Ruzek "Swapped partners" " No we just go where we are told but can we get everyone in the common room" I went up to Jay "Everything ok?" "Not exactly" I walked into the common room and sat down at the circle table. "So Squad and Ambo were called to a boy in the water" I knew exactly what this was about. "The mum was due at court today and she was found..." there was a long pause Jay couldn't say it so Ruzek stepped in "The mum was found not guilty" I got up and walked out and Jay followed me. I walked into the bathroom and Jay grabbed me and pulled me towards his chest "Why was she found not guilty?" "They had no evidence" "They had an almost drowned son and me" "It's not enough if there was police there they would have caught it on their bodycams" "but there was not so shes going to get away with attempted murder" I could feel the tears falling down my face "Shh shh" "Jay it's not right," I said while trying to catch my breath. Sylvie walked in Kat there is someone here for you. I splashed my face with cold water and walked out to the apparatus floor. Heath and Piper were standing there. "Hey guys" They came running up to me and Jay was standing behind "Thank you for helping us" "Aww it's ok" "we made these for everyone" "Shall we take them inside" I grabbed their hands and walked inside "Guys this is Heath and Piper we saved them from the fire this morning" Herrmann walked up "What have you got there?" "We brought cookies for everyone" "Thanks kiddos" "Shall we go out to your mum now" I grabbed their hands and walked out. "Thank you so much for saving them" "It's my job" I walked back in and Jay hugged me "You're going to be a great mum" I smiled "I better get going" Jay and Ruzek walked out and I sat at the table.

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