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Archaic World: Ice Princess~ | | All Rights Reserved.


Genre: Fantasy; Adventure; Action.



A young girl with hair white as snow, skin pale as white and covered in snow was seen by a young couple who were on their way home from work. She almost looked like she was from another world.

They cautiously walked towards her because they felt something unusual from her. Ice covering the girl's body melted as they got closer. And as soon as they got into her, the ice melted completely.

The woman tried to touch the girl's shoulder but instantly felt a chill when she did. But that didn't stop her into touching the girl completely. The girl's skin was freezing cold but there shows no sign of hypothermia. So out of wanting to do a good deed, she held the girl and decided to take her home.

What made that night even more unusual was what happened the moment they held her. Wind started to blow stronger; the night sky that was glittering with stars was now covered in dark clouds. The only thing that lights up the night was the lampposts and the lightning that struck into different direction.

They hurriedly walked the streets to get home.

The moment they stepped inside their home, the weather worsened. Heavy rain started pouring it almost blocked the view outside their house. The rain was deafening, so as the thunders roar.

She checked the girl, who was still sleeping, but her temperature started to feel normal, she could feel heat from the girl's skin.

"I should clean a room for her while you look after her," the man said as he stood.

The lady nodded, "I'll make some porridge just in case she wakes up."

After cooking, the lady checked the girl again and saw that the girl's eyes were open, so she called her husband who hurriedly went to their spot.

When the girl saw them she looked a bit frightened.

"It's okay. You're okay."

The lady calmed her down as she strokes the girl's hair.

When she calmed down they tried to talk to her.

"What's your name?" she asked.

The girl just shrugged.

The couple looked at each other. They had the same thought, 'amnesia'.

"Do you remember anything?"

They were both excited and nervous. Both of them are sterile, meaning they can't conceive a child. And the thought that maybe this girl who they found has amnesia may be the answer to their prayers.

The storm ended when the morning came. And as soon as they saw the sun, the man went to the station to ask if there was a report of a missing child.

When he came back, he saw the girl dressed in new clothes.

"Well?" his wife asked.

"There were no reports of a missing child."

They waited for a week before turning the girl in an orphanage to file a legal paper that gives them the power to make the girl their daughter.

And as soon as they signed the papers they talked to the girl.

"We're naming you... Eis." the lady said.

"Because when we first saw you, you were covered in ice."

"Thus your name will be, Eissel Quinn."

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