Part 1

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Sweetie, are you awake?

I turn my head towards my room's door, which the voice was coming from.

Yes, mom. I will be down in a minute❞ I quickly grab my bad and some textbooks on the table before coming out of my bedroom, but only after I make sure that I look neat in my uniform.

But, of course. I'm having a little trouble with the necktie. As always. 

Good morning. mom. Good morning, dad❞ I greeted both of my parent with a wide grin as I always do.

I've always love my mom and dad. Indeed, mom and dad are not my biological parents, but they have been taking care and giving me lots of love since I was a kid and for that I'm so grateful for them. They have been such a good role model for their child, which is me and my brother.

Ahh, I'm hungry. Good morning, mom, dad❞ I heard a very familiar voice coming to the kitchen so I quickly turn to the voice.

Good morning, brother!❞ I gave him a grin as I was too excited by just seeing him. Other from mom and dad, brother is the person I treasure so so much.

Choi Yeonjun is my brother's name. As I mentioned before, he is the biological child of mom and dad. I adore brother so much because of his kindness towards me. Yes, brother have been such a great person to me ever since I came into the family.

Good morning, Yeon-ah❞ He came towards me and pat my head for several times before taking a seat at the table for breakfast.

Look, if you put the toast in your mouth and run out of the house now, you can meet your true love❞ Father laughs he joked.

Dad, that is typical anime scene❞ Brother laughs after he sipped the hot chocolate that was served on the table.

Dad! You're teasing me about the anime I watched again!❞ I sulked, playfully, as I'm the most spoiled child in the family.

Hey, finish your breakfast fast and go to school early❞ Mom reminds us about school session. Of course, she wouldn't want us to be late to school.

We chatted as we ate the breakfast like we always did. And later, Dad sent brother and me to school before heading to his work. 

I waved at brother before parting because it's obvious that I need to go to my classroom. and my brother also need to go to his. Brother is 2 years older than me.


Did you bring your camera today?❞ Woojung asked me.

Woojung is one of my best friend, other than Jayeon and Hyesun.

You don't need to ask her that. The answer is obvious❞ Hyesun answered Woojung's question instead of me.

Of course! I'm in photography club so I will need this❞ I tried to defend my opinion towards photography.

How come you're so hooked about photography❞ Jayeon put her hand on the table, questioning how am I so interested in such a boring things.

Probably because of her brother❞ Hyesun, once again, answered it for me.

Yes, I was interested in photography because of my brother❞ I proudly announced for the million times already.

Who wouldn't? Your brother is a total hottie❞ Jayeon smiles dreamily, probably thinking about brother.

I have to admit it, brother have quite a lot of female's followers, including my friend because of his looks and his attitude. Everyone love him.

Then why wouldn't you be interested in photography❞ Woojung asked directly to Jayeon.

Jayeon gives a 'duh' looks to Woojung, practically questioning Woojung's question.

I'm interested in her brother not the photography thing. But if he convinced me to do the photography thingy, I would gladly do it❞ Jayeon answered, confidently. All of us just give off a disgusting vibes towards Jayeon for her answer.

The school's bell rang, signalling the end of the school's session for today. As promised, I waved goodbye towards my friends before walking to my brother's classroom. He told me to come to his classroom first then we will walk home together.

Yeonjun-ah, your sister is looking for you❞ One of brother's classmate notified him about my presence in the classroom. I smiled at him once he noticed than I'm already there.

He quickly grab his bag and walks toward me.

You're here quick, Yeon-ah. Let's go❞ He patted my head before we start to walk. I just follow him as I don't know yet where we are heading to.

Where are we going to, brother?❞ I asked him, trying to catch up with his walking pace. Damn that long legs.

The club. I need to grab something

Brother is the president of photography club. All of the photography club's members adore him, as well as me, one of the photography club's members.

I just wait for him outside of the club, not wanting to follow him in there.

After a few seconds, he came out back and gave me a piece of picture.

Here, I captured this photo this morning. I looks pretty so I print out one for you❞ I gladly grabbed the photo from his hands, staring at it in awe. I've been a fan of his photography ever since I was a kid. He always give me a copy of photo he captured to me because he knew that I like it so much.

I will add this one into my collection too!❞ He just laughs at me before patting my head. We talked about school's thing and stuff. Being with him is never boring. He have a great hobby and great personality, that's why we never ran out of something to be talked about.

You have to wait for me first before going home, okay? It's not safe without me❞ I nodded for a few times. He cares to much for me, and it's obvious why. I am his only sibling even though we are not related, but still I am his sister.

And that's the reason why I adored him so much..

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