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What are you supposed to say at a funeral Hope thought she never attended one. Her mom arranged the whole thing where Hope locked herself in her bedroom and only came out to get food. Lizzie understood how her girlfriend was feeling and didn't want to push her, so she let her have some alone time.

Lizzie knew the procedure from when she did it with her mom. She made some breakfast for Hope because she has barely eaten anything in the last two days. She knocked on the door, and the girl said to come in. Lizzie turned the knob and pushed the door with her foot while she held the tray of food in one hand. She looked up, and Hope was in a black lace dress, and she just stood there and admired the outfit.

"Lizzie, what do you think of this dress for the funeral because I don't know," Hope asked

She put the tray of food down and stood behind Hope and looked in the mirror with her. "Hope you look amazing in anything you wear, but do you think that this dress is what you want to wear," Lizzie said

Hope had tears flowing from her eyes and shook her head no. "I don't know what to wear to my own father's funeral. I know you're supposed to wear black, but it doesn't feel right," Hope said

"look, Hope there is no set rule on what color to wear, and if you don't like black, don't wear it."

Hope hugged Lizzie realizing that she went through the same pain she is going through, but she wasn't there for her. "I'm sorry."

"what for." Lizzie asked

"I wasn't there for you when your mom died." Hope sobbed

Lizzie is the one with tears in her eyes and said. "Hope I pushed you away, so it's my fault that you couldn't be there for me, and I accepted that. and at the time, you weren't ready to support anyone else you had your problems, and I knew that."

"can I ask you for a favor."

"of course, what is it, Hope."

"I need your car keys." The shorted said

Lizzie looked confused but went into her purse and handed her the keys and said. "your father's funeral is starting in a couple of hours. Where are you going."

"don't worry, I will be there. I have to do something."

Lizzie nodded as Hope ran out of the house.

Josie and Penelope walked into the room after watching Hope run out of the house. Josie said, "where did Hope go."

Lizzie shrugged her shoulders and said, "I don't know, but I wasn't going to tell her no."

The other two girls nodded and got ready for the funeral.

It's been an hour, and Hope still hasn't come back, and Lizzie wanted to wait for her but assumed she went to the cemetery. So she and everyone got into their father's car and started driving.

They got there shortly after, and everyone in the town came out to go to his funeral. The only person the wasn't there was Hope, and Lizzie started Panicking. She asked Josie and Penelope to help look for her. Lizzie went and checked one side of the cemetery, and the other two girls did the other but no luck.

They all met in the middle, and Lizzie said: "there starting soon we have to get back."

"but what about Hope." Penelope said

"I don't know. Maybe she is just running late, but she wouldn't miss her father's funeral." Lizzie said

They all went back and sat in their seats. And Lizzie kept turning back to see if Hope anywhere to be found, and she started getting nervous. Then heard the pastor said, "attention everyone."

And Lizzie faced forward.

"we are gathered here to say goodbye to one of the biggest and kindest people in this town. With his death he left a daughter and a wife who terribly miss him. I want to call Hope His daughter to say some words of her father."

Everyone looked everywhere and no sign of her. Stephen got up and walked to the podium and said, "Klaus Mikaelson was my best friend. He helped me through the hardest time in my life when I lost my wife. He pushed me to get help when I was afraid to do it by myself." Before, he got interrupted by everyone turning around.

Lizzie turned around to see Hope, and she cried because of how beautiful she looked. She walked down the aisle to the podium, and everyone's eyes were on her. She was wearing a rainbow dress, and she hasn't looked more herself ever. She hugged Stephen thanking him for buying time for her.

She tapped on the microphone, making sure that it was working and said: "sorry, I was late, but I couldn't find my black dress."

And everyone laughed

"my father was the best man that I could think of. When I was younger, I wanted to be just like him, and at the age of five, I didn't know how boring accounting was, but he loved doing it. Dad, I don't know what to do without you. After everything that happened, you accepted me. And never made me feel like I was a disappointment. I don't know how I am going to get married without you walking me down the aisle.

I did it dad I found the person of my dreams and caught her. It took a little longer than I expected and I had to jump through some hurdles. But it worked out in the end like you said it would. Yesterday I called you then I remembered that you weren't going to pick up. But I stayed on the line to hear your voice one more time. I left a message, and it was barely audible. I was sobbing the whole time."

Hope stopped reading as tears fell from her face and hit the paper in front of her. Lizzie got up and walked to her and made sure she had the strength to finish the letter. She wiped her eyes and looked at the paper and said, "I worked on this letter for the last two days. and the main thing I want you to know dad is that I will always love you and will try to make you proud." Hope said leaving the stage

Klaus looked at his daughter one more time, knowing that there was no way he could comfort her right now. but knew she had plenty of people around her and was ready to let go, but before he did, he said. "I am proud of you." and disappeared into a better place

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