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Grief affects everyone differently. Some people can't cope with all the pain and drink it away. Some people face it headstrong, and some people pretend that their okay, and they are not dying inside. You could take a guess which one Hope is doing if you guessed option three, then your right. She is pretending that she is okay.

It's been a couple of weeks since the funeral, and it was time to hear the will. Hope said that she didn't want anyone to come with her, but no one listened to her. Lizzie, Josie, and Penelope came along. Her mom was there. She was in the will as well, or she thought she was.

Hope waited to be called by the lawyer. And she started to get impatient, and Lizzie could tell something was wrong. She pulled Hope to the side and said: "babe, what's wrong."

"nothing is wrong I just want to get this over with so I don't have to think about it anymore," Hope said

"by it, do you mean your father because you know it's okay to think about him and feel sadness."

"Lizzie, I don't need to be therapized right now. I just want you to support me. Is that okay," Hope said

Lizzie nodded and hugged her girlfriend and wished that she didn't bottle up all the pain she was holding. Ever since the funeral, she hasn't shed a tear or even mentioned her father at all. But she decided that when Hope was ready, she would open up.

They said Mikaelson Family and Hope and her group walked in. And shortly after, her mom and uncle Elijah walked in. Hope still hasn't talked to her mother after what she did to her dad. She had no idea why she was in the will in the first place.

"We are gathered here to read the will of Klaus Mikaelson. We will be talking about all of his holdings and his insurance Policy. But before I read it, there is something he wrote and wanted you to know."

He opened the letter and started reading it aloud, and it said. "so if this letter is being read, then that means that cancer has won and I lost. And I want you to know that it's okay to be sad over me. But it would help if you weren't sad forever. I want you to move on and live your lives. To Hope I want you to know that you are truly an angel, and I don't know how I got so lucky to be your father. I know you hold your own scars but remember that I am always with you. In your heart to your hair. You're a female version of me, and I am so proud of you."

Hope started to tear up, but she held most of it in.

The guy finished reading the letter, and the mom was wondering when her name was in the message. "it's time to read the holdings of your father." The lawyer said

Hope nodded, and he continued.

"his house in Mystic falls goes to Hope Mikaelson and Lizzie Saltzman."

Hope interrupted him and said, "what do you mean, Lizzie and me."

"he left the house to you and Lizzie he believed that you two would get married one day." The lawyer said

Hope looked at Lizzie and said, "he knew."

Lizzie smiled and a tear from her eyes. Hope was so upset that she couldn't tell her father about Lizzie, but he knew this whole time.

The lawyer started rereading the assets, "the cargoes to Hope Mikaelson. The art collection goes to Hope Mikaelson. And all the remaining assets in his name is going to Hope Mikaelson. The equivalent of 23 million dollars to be given to you. On your thirty-fifth birthday under conditions that you are working. And two million dollars now so that you can do what you want with it. And lastly the insurance Policy of two hundred thousand dollars. Goes to Hope Mikaelson to be used. to cover wedding costs."

The mom was so angry and said: "why am I here I was told I was in the will."

The lawyer smiled and said, "Oh, I almost forgot to Hayley Marshall; you get 1 Bag of coal." And he handed it to her.

She ran out of the office, and Hope looked around at the people around her. And smiled that these people weren't here because of what Hope was getting but to support her.

The lawyer left the room and left the four girls in the room together. Penelope said, "I call shotgun when you drive your dad's car. And you do have your license now so you can drive us to therapy."

Hope looked at her watch and noticed that she could still go today and said. "do you want to go now I have a few things that I want to get off my chest that I have been keeping to myself."

Penelope nodded, and the four girls all went together. Lizzie went to support Hope. And Josie went to help Penelope.

They all were hand in hand as they walked out of the office, and Hope started crying walking out of the building.


Hope took that two million dollars and invested it in business. As time went on, the company grew to be one of the biggest art sellers in the world.

Penelope and Josie got engaged the exact time Hope and Lizzie did, so they had a joint a wedding. It was beautiful.

The two couples live one house apart from another.

Hope and Lizzie adopted baby twins. The Girl was named after Lizzie's mother, Caroline, and the boy after Hope's father, Klaus.

Josie wanted to have the experience of being pregnant, so they got a donor and believed it or not. It was MG who donated. He is involved with the child and is a co-parent with the girls.

The four girls would take their kids on road trips together. They were all one big happy family.

Hope never thought that her life could be so beautiful that one lonely summer. But everything happens for a reason, and she learned from her past so that her future became brighter.


hey eveyone thank you so much for taking the time to read my fic. i appreciate it more than you know. see you soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2020 ⏰

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