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Why are they calling me into the office?! I hate this but that girl is pretty cute though I saw her yesterday in class. Walking into the office was so weird. It was silent and nice. I could smell her shampoo and perfume. I love the smell of her, she smells like cherry blossoms and other assorted flowers. 

We walk to the office and be escorted to the principal's office. We make it to the door and she knocks. I watch her small hand move nervously across to knock on the door. The sound was what took me out of the trance. The door slowly opened. The principal, an old lady that looked like she was 30, opened the door. 

"Please have a seat." She said pointing to the chairs in front of her. 

"Why were we called here?" The girl asks.

"Well, you three were called here because we need to talk to you and Chloe. You must wait outside sir." The principal said. 

I nodded and sat down. But I wanted to know what they were going to talk about. I'm not one to eavesdrop but they looked like they were way too good to make bad choices.  



I fidgeted a small bit in my seat. What could she want to talk to us about?

"There is no need to be worried. You are not in trouble. The hospital called me a moment ago." She said as she moved around the room. "They said that they want to inform you that you need to go to the hospital immediately. So the both of you are free to leave early." She said pulling out a slip for us to go back to the classroom and grab out stuff to head out. 

Taking the slip I nodded a goodbye to her. I and Chloe started way back to class. As we made it back we grabbed our stuff and headed out.



"Come in please." She called for me to go into her office. Opening the door walking in and closing it once more. "How old are you Kyle?" She asks. I look at her confused. 

"I'm 18 ma'am," I said answering her question. 

"So you are of age then." She says as she took off her glasses and rubbed the bridge of her nose and groaned.  

"Your girlfriend Maria might be pregnant." She said as she pulled out the paper. 

"How do you know I got her pregnant?" I ask as she looked at me. 

"She said so," she said as I looked at her confused.  I know for a fact that I had a condom on. 

"So did she take a fake pregnancy test?" I say crossing my arms. "I and her didn't do anything. We went on a date and we went to my apartment and then we crashed there. We didn't have sex." I say as I look at the principle. Her eyes darted towards me in a mother kind of way. 

I looked at her as she sat at her desk. She pulls out papers and turned them towards me and hands me a pen. 

"You need to sign here for me to know that I at least spoke to you about this." She says I roll my eyes and do as she tells me to do. "Thank you, Kyle."

I hear the bell ring. I groan as I look at the principal. She puts the sheet into a folder and opens a drawer placing it. 

"Okay, Kyle you are free to go." She groaned. I get up from my seat and thought about the conversation that they had. Ms. Millis looked so nervous. The rest of the class was quiet. I walk to my seat and sat down confused.

"Hey what's going on?" I ask the kid that is next to me. He looked over at me in shock.

"Rachel was sent to the hospital. And Ms. Millis is freaking out I don't know why." He said as he started to pack everything up. The bell rang and it was time for the next period. As I walk I looked out the window and saw that both girls were back or maybe they haven't left yet. I saw the blonde girl smiling. I started to feel a smile spread across my face. 

"Well, this is the day. I never thought I would see you smile." A  voice called out to me and I turned to the voice and saw that it was Lucas my childhood best friend. I engulfed him in a hug and we both chuckled. 

"Good to see you, dude," I say as we walk off to our next class. 

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