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A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN sat up in a grand bed, her white nightgown sticking to her as her husband sat opposite, holding her hand

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A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN sat up in a grand bed, her white nightgown sticking to her as her husband sat opposite, holding her hand. In their arms lay a young child, a new born, which smiled happily at her parents soft voices. The image began to blur however, black streaks making it ripple like a puddle.

The beautiful woman was now kneeling opposite a young girl, she had stunning eyes, one purple, one hazel. The child smiled as her mother kissed her cheek tentatively, her father joining them as they all began to laugh. But once again the image started to blur, disappearing.

A large tree with thick branches then appeared, surrounded by more forest and unique flowers as two young children played happily, climbing the old oak. The boy had long blonde hair and pointed ears, much taller than the brunette girl. He held out his hand to her, pulling her up onto a higher branch.

"Everything is so beautiful from up here." The girl breathed out, balancing carefully as she walked along a smaller branch. The blonde boy followed after her, making sure she didn't fall.

"My father would most likely have my head if he knew I was here." The boy exclaimed, making her laugh softly as she turned around to face him.

"King Thranduil would never hurt you, all we would have to do is distract him with silly little gems." It was the boys turn to chuckle, gazing at the girl with pure admiration. "And anyway, what's wrong with me? I'm the Lords daughter." She teased.

The boy stuttered, searching for an answer. "Trust me nothing's wrong with you! Wait I mean not nothing but I'm not saying you have plenty of imperfections I just-"

"Relax, I was just joking." She told him, grabbing his hand as they both jumped from the tree, landing in a pile of leaves, breaking out into fits of giggles, the two staring at each other.

Unlike last time, the scene didn't disappear but instead the two children did, swallowed by the leaves.

A brunette girl appeared once more, her hair was tied back into a plait, her rich clothing with small splodges of dirt on. It was obvious she had grown, she seemed much more like a lady, aside from the fact she was covered with dirt.

The blonde boy returned, also obviously older. He wore green, leather armour, a bow in his hand as he approached the girl.

"You're late." She stated, a small smile playing on her lips.

"You're early." He responded, handing her the bow as well as an arrow. She took them gently, positioning the arrow before raising it at the large tree they used to climb. The Elf carefully stood behind her, repositioning her elbow, his hand on top of hers.

"Let go." He whispered and she did, letting the arrow fly and hit its mark.

She grinned, turning around and hugging him excitedly. The two embraced before awkwardly separating, a rose tint on both of their cheeks.

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