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"Live for me, my love

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"Live for me, my love."

Thorin Oakenshield's final words rang in her head for the seventh time that day, almost making her lose her grip on the handle bar that was keeping her standing on the packed bus, the world quickly passing as it sped through the streets of London, everything blurring into one absurd image.

It was a fresh start.

Coming home as though she had simply spent the night in the forest and instantly packing her things as well as Adelaide's and moving away. It was their fresh start. It was a new life. A new city. A new job. A new school. A new house.

And it was all for him.

Bilbo ran down the steps, the headache he had recieved after waking up not leaving him be, eventually coming across them. Idalina sobbed frantically into his lifeless body and the hobbit couldn't bear to see it. He looked away, tears welling up in his eyes before he marched over to her, but she didn't move. Neither did he. Gandalf was the next to join them. Then Dwalin. Then Balin. Then Bofur. Then Gloin. Then Oin. Then Bombur. Then Ori. Then Nori. Then Bifur. Then Dori. Even Bard.

But not him. Not them.

Ida jumped off the bus with a polite thank you to the driver before walking down the small street and pulling out her keys. She waved to her neighbours and gave them a smile before opening the gate to her own house, unlocking the door and closing it, placing the keys on the side table.

"Addy! Amanda!" She called out, Adelaide came running out first, jumping into her older sisters arms. Amanda came out of the living room, a pleasant smile on her face. "Did you have a good day at school?"

"We learnt our times tables, except I can do more than Sarah this time!" The little one exclaimed happily. Ida laughed softly before telling her sister to go and choose what disney movie she wanted to watch.

"Thanks so much, Amanda." Ida pulled out twenty pounds from her purse, handing it to the babysitter. "You're a life saver."

Amanda just smiled, picking up her schoolbag and heading for the door. "No problem Mrs V." She waved goodbye and opened the door. "Nice ring by the way!" With that she closed the door.

Ida smiled down at her ring with a nostalgic fondness.

Bilbo was the one who pulled her away, holding her close to him as she continued to reach for her lost love, trying to hold him once more. Dwalin, Gloin, Balin and Bofur carried him away.

Night had fallen and the hobbit had taken her back to the mountain with everyone else. The remaining people of laketown took refuge inside the mountain, allowing healers to tend to the ill and dying.

Ida had slipped away from everyone else, sitting in the freezing night, unbothered by the wind. It was Balin who found her, silently taking her hand, silently slipping his wrong onto her finger. Nothing needed to be said.

They understood eachother.

"I've chosen!" Addy called out. Ida walked into the living room to find her little sister clinging onto Aladdin.

Idalina removed her blazer, picking up a stray jumper from the back of a chair, pulling it on before kneeling down, placing the DVD into the DVD player before drawing the curtains closed as the sun dissapeared over the other houses. Before sitting down, Ida flicked the switch to turn on the fairylights before snuggling beside her sister, the two sharing a blanket.

"Can you do magic like that?" Adelaide asked curiously, remembering all the stories she was told.

Idalina held the backpack strap tightly, her eyes scanning over the entire company with regret.

"You could always stay another day." Ori spoke up, looking at her hopefully.

"I'll come back, Ori, I promise." Idalina told him, before the two hugged. She embraced everyone that day, because she didn't know when she would return, it would be magic from Middle Earth that would take her bring her back, magic she didn't have through the gate.

When she finally turned to Legolas, she cupped his cheek softly, the solemn look in his eyes almost enough to convince her to stay there forever. The two embraced suddenly, holding each other close.

"You're my oldest friend, Legolas. Take care of them please." She whispered before the two pulled away.

Bilbo didn't want to let her go, but he knew he had to. They both had to go home, but they would see eachother again. They had to.

"Suppers at 7pm." He told her tearfully, making her laugh softly. But her laugh wasn't the same. Not anymore.

Gandalf walked into the stone circle with her, the others remaining outside.

"I would stay, Gandalf." Ida told the wizard, looking up at him. "If you asked me to, I would."

Gandalf only smiled down at her. "I know."

And he wanted her to, they all did. But Gandalf knew she would return when they needed her. And they would be needing her.

"Not anymore, Addy." Idalina said softly, her voice not raising above the wild noise that was 'Friend Like Me'. Her eyes travelled down to her younger sister, smiling softly. How wrong she was to think she could leave her behind. They were sisters, not by blood, but they were all each other had now. They didn't mind.

It was enough.

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