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All the Avengers have now come back from their very long mission

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All the Avengers have now come back from their very long mission. They didn't know it'd take more than two weeks to defeat an enemy in Mexico. It was sure exhausting, though. Especially for y/n.

"I'm going to rest up, guys. I'll see you tomorrow." She says as she lazily carries her duffel bag above her shoulder. She hears the other teammates say their goodbyes, but doesn't care for them, just the comfort of the warm water hitting her body and her mattress.

She enters the Avengers building, making her way to her room, ignoring the welcomes from others. She's no rude person. In fact, she's the nicest person in the building. Saying "sorry" when not necessary or when it's not even her fault, comforting others with open arms like a mother. She's always around to spread love and kindness. But this mission beat her to the ground and all she wants is rest, a good night's sleep.

After shutting the door of her room, she breathes in the fresh air of her near room. It was just the way she left it before they went on the mission. She drops her dufflebag and kicks off her shoes. Making her way to her bathroom, she slips off her shirt and dropping it on the floor.

Her shower wasn't long for she dreaded the comfort of her bed. Y/n knew that she had bruises around her body. But what she didn't know was the pain it brought after running a hand over. She winced at the touch of the purple pain causer on her hip.

After the shower, all y/n did was dry off her hair with the towel and lay on her bed. Her wet hair lays on the bed, staining the sheets, but y/n doesn't care. All she cares for is the good sleep she's about to receive.


Y/n regrets not leaving a water bottle on her bedside table. Her scratchy throat wakes her up from bed making her groan in annoyance.

"Fuck." She says to herself as she looks up at the dark ceiling. She sighs, making her way to her dresser. She grabs the first piece of underwear she sees and a white t-shirt. Hopefully, no one is awake to see her in the state she's in.

Walking out the bedroom, y/n walks down the cold glass stairs, instantly regretting in not wearing socks or slippers. She makes it to the kitchen to find the blonde man she's been crushing on for months.

Little does she know, the man sitting in front of her has been meaning to kiss her, explore her. The times he would purposely team her with himself and say that her abilities are needed with him were just to get to know her, get closer to her. Every time they finish a mission, he would always check up on her. Last night, he couldn't. She was already sleeping by the time he peeked through the door. He knew her beauty and he wanted her all to himself.

"Jesus, Steve. You scared me." Y/n says as she forcefully stops her tracks. Steve looks up at her and notices her attire. Though he found the view amazing, he didn't want to make himself seem as a pervert.

"Y/n.. what are you doing up?" He asks her as his blue eyes travel off her body and to her e/c. He couldn't risk it all, even if he wanted to pull her small body into his. He wants to kiss every inch of her body and make sure he protects her at all costs.

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