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The great Spiderman of Queens, New York is turning 17 today, and yet y/n has no idea what to get the boy she loved

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The great Spiderman of Queens, New York is turning 17 today, and yet y/n has no idea what to get the boy she loved. She knew she wanted to impress Peter Parker, but she didn't know how. She wanted to blow his mind away for his birthday. He has a high-tech suit that probably costs millions, so what could ever beat that?

"I don't know, MJ. He's a very geeky boy. I've bought his every cd of Star Wars and a lego thing for him to build with Ned. I even got him a necklace with a picture of us. I don't know what else to get him. He thinks I shower him with gifts, but I don't think they're enough." Y/n sighs out as she's walking around the mall with her curly haired friend.

"Mm, well, he genuinely likes anything you give him. Why not try something different? Something new and spicy?" Y/n looked at the girl in confusion. She had a grin on her face as her eyes nudged at the store behind them. Y/n turned around to look at the gigantic pink store with black letters, Victoria's Secret. Y/n immediately knew what MJ was heading to.

"No. I'm not going to show up on his birthday with lingerie. He's not like that." Y/n exclaims. MJ scoffs at her words as she continues to look at the pink store.

"Oh, come on. One won't hurt." And with that, y/n rolled her eyes and entered the store with her persuasive friend.

After walking around the store with MJ for 30 minutes, y/n found a black piece that fit her nicely. She liked the way it supported her breasts and her ass. She was hesitant on buying it for she couldn't see herself buying such thing to show Peter Parker.

But with MJ's persistent character, y/n ends up buying it. She avoided the weird glance from the cashier lady, though it did make her regret listening to MJ. After the embarrassing event, the pair headed to Sephora to buy a cologne that y/n thought Peter might like.


6:00 rolled by and y/n is looking at herself through the mirror with the black, laced piece. She liked the design, but wasn't sure if it was something she should wear. She doesn't know if she's ready. What she did know was that she did want Peter. They've gone on many dates and have been to each other's house plenty of times, but they never went that close to touch one another sinfully. Y/n does want to, she just doesn't know if today should be that day.

Either way, she kept the lingerie on over a loose knitted dress. She slipped into black, high knee boots and a couple accessories. Soon enough, she was headed towards the boy's apartment.

Once the door opened to reveal his incredibly, beautiful aunt, they hugged.

"Hey, y/n! Come inside! Peter is waiting for you. He didn't want to cut the cake with out you." She says. Y/n enters the house with the small present in her hands. She looks around to see a couple of Peter's friends and family members sitting around. Tony Stark is even here with Pepper Pots. Their present must be grand for then to come here.

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