~Chapter 4~

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Jirou's POV

BEEP BEEP BEEP. I slam my hand on my alarm making it turn off. I get in the shower then put on a gray shirt with a cool design, a flannel on top, and put on skinny jeans with my black high tops. I walk out to the kitchen and eat cereal.

•Time skip•

"Ok class today we will be doing hero training so go get dressed and meet me at the gym." Mr. Aizawa tells us. And with that we all leave to the locker rooms. I enter my combination and get ready. "So how was that study date of yours, hmm?" Mina said smirking. "It was just a study session nothing else." I said embarrassed. "Well I over heard Kaminari taking to Sero saying it was amazing and that you guys kissed a little. What about that part?" Uraraka said with a grin. Fuck why do they have to snoop around all the time. "Yea yea whatever." I say getting annoyed.

I walk out to the gym and see Kiri. "Hey, you ready for training?" He asks. "Fuck yea I am." I say with confidence. He chuckles. "Heh. I hope we don't do anything too rough." He said worriedly. "Yea that would suck." I say. "Maybe we can tea-."
"Ok class today we will be doing 1 on 1 combat against your partner, which I am choosing. Ok so the partners are Todoroki and Midoriya, Iida and Uraraka, Tsu and Tokoyami, Bakugo and Kirishima, Mina and Sero, Hakagure and Shinso, Shoji and Aoyoma, Kaminari and Jirou. Ok now go train." I can't believe I have to fight Kami. "Looks like we do have a rematch after all." He said smirking. "I guess I'll have to beat you again." I say smiling up at him. "Oh we'll see about that." He said looking me in the eyes.

Kami's POV

I get in my stance. I look up to Jirou and get a little nervous. Damn it she's getting me all flustered. I hear a beep, meaning to start. I charge up at try to hit her with my voltage but she was too fast. She used her earphone jack to try to make me fall. I trip but get up fastly. I attackle her to the ground but then she flips me down. I make her fall on top of me. When she is distracted being flustered I hit her with my voltage, not too much to hurt her, she gets shocked. She uses her ear jack perfectly making me fall in my back and she gets in top of me putting her ear jack in my ear.

BOOM. Everyone looks at where the commotion happens. It's the League of Villains. My eyes widen and I look at Jirou. Her face full of fear. She was pale and not moving. "Everyone get inside IMMEDIATELY ." Mr. Aizawa shouts. Everyone runs but Jirou. "Jirou come on let's go." I said worried. She looked at me with fear in her eyes. I take her hand and we run. We get surrounded by blue fire. Dabi. "Oh hey nice to see you guys again." Touga said who appeared out of no where. She runs toward Jirou. I use my voltage immediately and hit her. But it want enough for her to stop. She attacked Jirou. I run while seeing Jirou getting blood drawn from Touga.

"GET OFF OF HER." I yell charging towards her. I punched her and used my quirk again, making her fall. I look down to see blood on the floor next to Jirou. She was crying. I pick her up. "It's gonna be ok." I assure her. Although I don't know what will happen next. Dabi kicks me from behind and I fall. I couldn't breathe well and everything was dizzy. I suddenly see Jirou on the floor getting burned from Dabi. Then everything stops. Mr. Aizawa came, taking away their quirks, and tied them up with his scarf. "Take her to the infirmary." Mr. Aizawa says to me. I'm terrified at what just happened to Jirou. She looks exhausted and burnt.

I pick her up gingerly and jog to the nurse's office. "Put her on the bed." Recovery girl demands. I do as she says. "Is she going to be ok?" I say very worriedly. "She'll be ok, but she has some pretty bad burns. I'll tell you when she gets better and wakes up."

Jirou's POV

I couldn't remember anything after Touga drew blood from me. I wake up to see I'm in the nurses office. "Ah, you're up." Recovery girl said. "Where Kami? Is anyone else hurt?" I ask getting worried about what could've happened to the others. "Everyone is fine there where only minor injuries for them. Kaminari will be here soon." She said smiling. Oh thank god Kami is ok or anyone for that matter. "Ok, thanks." I say. I hear the door open and Kami runs up to me and puts me in a tight hug.

"Are you ok? I was so worried. When can you get out? What did Recovery girl say?" He kept asking questions being all scared and worried. He wouldn't shut up so I pulled him by the collar of his shirt and kissed his chapped lips. I missed feeling his lips on mine. He kissed back putting his hand on my jaw line. I bit his bottom lip and he let me search everywhere in his mouth. We separated and looked each other in the eyes. I could see tears welling up in his and my eyes. "I promise I'm fine." I said with a weak smile. He hugged me again. "Just get in the bed." I said while laughing. I moved to the side to let him in. Once he got in he wrapped his arms around me and rubbing my back. I put my head in the crook of his next and lay there.

I hear the door open and hear squeals. Oh god. The whole class was there staring at us. Oh fuck fuck fuck. "So..." Uraraka said awkwardly. "Are you feeling better, ribbit?" Tsu asked. Me and Kami sit up still in the bed. "Yea just have some burns and loss of blood but I should be fine in a couple days." I say looking at all of them. "Well that's good!" Momo said. "Yea, rest up." Hagukare said. "Everyone was worried, hell even Bakugo." Kirishima said. "SHUT UP SHITTY HAIR" Bakugo said. "Well it is true." Todoroki said. "Tch" was all that cam out of Bakugo's mouth.

Almost everyone left except the bakusquad and dekusquad. "So I see you 2 have gotten closer." Mina says winking. "Sh- shut up." I said covering my face. "We should leave you alone to rest. We all hope you come back." Iida said while everyone heads out. Recovery girl walked in. "How long wills he have to be here?" Kami asks. "Just for 2 more days then she can go." She said smiling. "It's getting late... you should go to your dorm." I say looking at Kami. "Ughh fine. But I won't like it." He said. He pecked my lips and left.

A/N 1197 words this chapter. Thanks for reading! See you next chapter.✌️

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