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Kami's POV

It's been a few months since me and Jirou told the class about us. Kirishima and Bakugo also told the class about them. The most tea I got recently is that Sero likes Mina and Mina likes Sero. Now we wait for them to figure it out. We where in class just waiting for Mr. Aizawa. A big caterpillar walked in. "We've been through a lot the past month so we are going on a trip to Hawaii." The whole class started talking. "QUIET. We leave tomorrow at 8:00 so pack your stuff. We will be going on a plane so find a partner. We won't be doing anything so do whatever. Don't wake me up." And with that he fell asleep.

I walked over to the bakusquad and we all talked about what we would do. I walked over to Jirou and we talked about what we were gonna do. "So you want to be plane partners?" I ask with a smile. "What do you think?" She said looking at me. "Uhhh... no?" I get smacked by her earphone jack. "No you dingus. I want to be your partner." I laugh as she says that. "I was making sure." I say. "Sureeee." she says smiling. The bell rang telling us that school is over. "We should start packing." I say. "K. I'll see you at dinner." Jirou said. She kissed me then we went to our dorms.

I packet almost everything I had, hoping it would be enough. Hours passed and it was already dinner time. So I head down to the kitchen. I heat up Mac and cheese and start to eat. Jirou arrives and makes a sandwich. We sit together. Eating in total silence, not an uncomfortable solve though. Everyone joins and eats. I walk Jirou to her room hand in hand.

"I hope this trip is better than I think." Jirou said. "Why wouldn't it be awesome?" I asked confused. "Well... I don't really like wearing bathing suits." She said looking at the floor. I knew exactly what she was taking about. She is very insecure about her body, which makes no sense because she's beautiful. I pull her chin up. "You're so hot though." I kiss her gently. Our lips moving in sync. I pull away. "You got that?" I say. "I know I know." She said. "Ok, goodnight." I say. "Night." I walk towards my dorm and sleep.

•Time skip•

We've been in the plane for 4 hours. Jirou is sleeping on my shoulder. I'm getting really bored so I decide to watch Pewdiepie. We had some turbulence or so I thought. We were landing. I must've watched 2000 videos of pweds. That went by quickly. I tap on Jirou's shoulder but she won't budge. I lightly shake her she still won't wake up. Everyone is getting out of the plane. I use my quirk a little to wake her up. "What?" She said in a tired voice. "We landed." She shot up and got her stuff. I laugh and take her hand to walk out. We arrive at our little huts. "Your partner from the plane is sharing a hut with you. Go choose your huts. And be on your best behavior." He says seriously.

Jirou's POV

"Cmon lets go to that one." He said running to the one at the end. "Stop running, ugh." I catch up to him, panting. "I have the key so why did you run?!" I say kind of madly. "I was just so excited. I mean we're at Hawaii AND I'm with you. It's like heaven." Now I feel bad for saying that. I go on my tippy toes and kiss him. "Sorry, just don't run." I say laughing.
"Ok ok I won't... maybe." He smirks. We settle in and out our things away.

I hit Kami with my earphone jacks. "Ow. What was that for??" He questioned. "For you using your quirk on me at the plane." I said smirking. "I didn't even do it at a high voltage. Did I hurt you??" He said worried. "I'm just messing." I laugh. He hugs me tightly kissing my forehead. "Cmon lets get dinner." He says walking to the door. I follow. We intertwine our fingers together. We head to the BBQ outside. And we eat.

•Time skip•

When it was about 12:00 pm we headed back to our huts. "Today was fun, wasn't it?" Kami asked me. "Yea. What are we doing tomorrow?." I look up at him. "Probably hanging at the beach. That's what Aizawa said anyways." He said. "Mk. I'm gonna take a shower." I say. "Ok I'll go after you." He says while putting in the TV. I take a nice long shower and put on my black shirt with pajama shorts. I get out ans sit on my bed. Kami walks to the bathroom.

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