~Chapter 6~

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Kami's POV

Today's the day Jirou can get out. I'm so excited but nervous about what I have planned. I walk over to Jirou's room. I knock and see her in a white hoodie with her black ripped jeans and black vans. Man she's beautiful. I was wearing ripped jeans, a lighting bolt shirt with my white converse. "Hey you ready?" I ask. "Yea let me just get my backpack." She walks in and comes out with her stuff. "Ok I'm ready." We start walking and head to the kitchen. I eat oatmeal while Jirou eats 2 waffles. "Man I hate school." I say trying to start a conversation. "Well it starts in 10 so nothing you can rely do." She laughs. "Damn. We should probably head over." I say. "Ok let's go."

We walk over. Just inches away from each other. Our hands touch. We look up at each other and laugh. We get to class and sit down. "Today you will be
writing a 4 paragraph essay about any pro hero you'd like, you will have a partner of your choosing." Mr. Aizawa says then starts to sleep in his caterpillar looking sleeping bag. "It think I'm gonna work with Momo." Jirou said, playing with her earphone jacks. "Oh ok I'll just work with Sero. See you later." I say. "Up Sero your my partner." I said. "Cool man." After a while we finished our essay. "So... today is the day your gonna ask Jirou." He said smirking. After that the whole bakusquad came. "Yea." I say sheepishly.

"I don't know what to wear." I said running the back of my neck. "Aww he's so nervous!!" Mina said jumping up and down. I looked at her annoyed as fuck. "What? I mean you are." She said. "Anyways you should wear something not too fancy but not too casual." Kirishima said. "Oi dunce face stop being a wuss." Bakugo said. "Don't worry man. She'll say yes. Pretty sure she loves your manliness." Kirishima said enthusiastically. "Tch." Bakugo said meaning I was nothing compared to him. The bell rang.

We all walked to the cafeteria. "Hey. You wanna sit with me and my friends?" Jirou asked me. "Sure." We walked over to the tables. "Hey look it's jirou's boyfriend." Uraraka said teasing. Jirou looked so flustered. "Heh." I said. "Shut up or I'll expose you." She said to Uraraka. Then it was quiet. "So hows the recovery going?" Momo asked. "Oh it's going good. I just need my burns to heal and need to rest a little more." Jirou said while eating her salad.

•Time skip•

It was almost time. I took a really long shower and put on my new NF shirt, I got it because Jirou likes his music, put on my brand new jeans and my very white vans with a jock hoody. And walk to jirou's.

Jirou's POV

It's almost time for my "hangout" with Kami. I don't know what I should wear or I didn't know anything for that matter. So...

}Me- I need help. I don't know what to wear for my hangout with Kami

}🧠Momo🧠- don't worry I know exactly what you should wear. Ok put on your fish nets, black ripped jean shorts, you NF crop top, leather jacket, and your vans.

}Me- How are you so good at this? Anyways thanks.

}🧠Momo🧠- WAIT. Wear mascara put on perfume and lip gloss.

}Me- Fine🙄

}🧠Momo🧠- have fun!!

}Me- Thanks.

I get take a shower, get dressed, put on perfume and wait. About 5 minutes later I hear a knock. I get so nervous all the sudden. Nonetheless I open the door and see Kami looking... hot. Oh no I'm blushing. "H- hey." Kami said all flustered. Damn his. Cuteness. "Hey. So we ready to go?" I ask. "Yea, lets go." He said shyly. "Where are we going anyways?" I ask looking at him. "You'll see..." he says with a smirk. "You know I hate surprises." I say teasing him. "I think you just might like this one." He says as we walk out of the school.

We walk and talk and suddenly we turn. I've never been here before. It was peaceful. There was a fancy door. I think that was leading to a garden? "After you." He says. I blush and move past him entering. I'm in shock. There was a little picnic near a tree with pink little flowers. There where candles everywhere and about 100 get away there was a pond. I could see lily pods and lily flowers. Little fireflies making it seem as if there where stars. "Oh-oh my god." Was all that came out of my mouth.

I see that Kami scratched the back of his neck . "Too much?" He asks. "No, no it's sick." I say looking at him. We're both tomatoes at this point. We walk over to the picnic. There was all kinds of foods. I wonder how much this cost. "I hope you like the food. I kind of had to rush for it. Heh." Kami said with a shaky voice. "No I actually like all of this." I laugh. He sighs in relief. We start eating and talk about some of our memories together. We finished our picnic an hour later. "Let's go on the bench." The bench was near the pond. Since it was darker you could really see the fireflies. He grabbed my hand and we walked together. We sat on the bench and he put his arm around me.

Kami breathes in. "Hey, you know I like you a lot." I blush and nod my head yes. "We are amazing friends. We've had amazing times together. We've helped each other. We've been vulnerable around each other at times." He looks me in the eyes and squeezes my hand a little. "I loved being friends with you. But I want us to be more. So... will you be my girlfriend?" Omggggg I get so flustered. I blush the fuck out. "I- I would like that." I said leaning into him. He leans in too. And we have a sweet, compassionate kiss. His quirk started sparking. It was amazing.

After it felt like years, which was actually 2 minutes, we pulled away. It started to sprinkle. "Guess we should head back." He said with a huge smile. "Yea." I say. "Since we don't have umbrellas maybe I should put my jacket on top of us." He says blushing. "Ok deal. But I wanna race so you better keep up." I say. "Your on." He said with confidence. We run together in the rain. Both of us going at the same pace getting a little wet. We enter the dorm building. Still holding hands we head to our dorm. "Night." He says as he kisses me. "Night." I say pecking his cheek.

A/N 1135 words this chapter. Hope you liked this. Cya suckas✌️

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