The Big Day

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Alexander P.O.V

     Today was the day! Alexander was going to crush Thomas Jefferson! Alex felt amazing, he even wore a suit. It was just a way to mock Jefferson, but Alex thought he looked pretty sharp. The suit was a jungle green and had silver buttons run up it. It was kinda old but hey, he was going to destroy that entitled prick once and for all. 

    He had been practicing his poem over and over again. Alex had performed it in front of John so many times that John had to throw a book at him to make him shut up. Alex was so ready for this that he was sweating.

     Alexander pushed open the door of the club. There we're a few gasps, and some clapping. Alex felt proud for a moment... until someone pushed him. 

     "Nice suit, short stack." Jefferson pushed passed him. "Though, it's a little ... well actually it's very big on you" Jefferson and Madison laughed as the entered and took their seats in the front row.

     Okay, so maybe the suit had been 2 sizes too big. But it was the only suit he had, and DAMN getting a fitted one was EXPENSIVE. So, he just wore what he had. Alex walked to his seat in shame. 

     "Hey... I think you look amazing." Alexander looked over at John. John was such a great friend. He wasn't much of a debater, but when he saw the stress Jefferson caused Alexander the first week, he just had to join. Together, they made a great team. Alex hadn't realized this before, but he cared for Laurens deeply. John broke their eye contact first, blushing.

     "Heh, thanks bro." Alexander smiled at the boy sitting next to him.

     "Alex, in case you don't win, w-which you will, I want you know... that I-" Suddenly the doors busted open, and out came Mr. Washington.

     "Later, John. I'm about to win!" Alex whispered to his bestfriend.

     "Let's get this over with, Hamilton! Jefferson! Get you asses over here." Mr. Washington yelled before sitting down, a tired look on his face.

     Both boys got up. Alex hurried down to the front of the room, while Jefferson took his sweet time. He just haaaaaaaaddddd to make his existence noticeable. Every part of that tall jerk made Alex's blood boil. 

     "Prepared to lose, Hamilwhore?" Jefferson said, leaning against a fucking cane. He patted Alex's on the head. Oh that was it, this fucker is going to burn alive!  Alex just glared at him, full of rage and hatred. 

     "Okay, okay, break it up you too. So, the topic for today's debate is..." Washington checks a paper on his desk, "The death penalty... This should be good. Okay, today Jefferson will go first, Hamilton will follow after. And if one of you votes twice, I swear to god I'll... have a gently talk with you. Proceed."

     This was it, Alexander felt butterflies in his chest. What if his poem is better? No! Alex worked hard on this, he was GOING to win. Jefferson took a breath,

"Listen up everyone, this bastard doesn't know his rights from wrongs

Everyone's life has a place and belongs

No one is neither good nor evil

They use to burn woman for no good reason, but that was in the medieval

Mr. Hamilton most likely still thinks that was a good idea

But hey, he probably has gonorrhea

Enough insulting this midget, let's get down to the real business

I'm sure you have some sort of forgiveness

In you heart, you know there's no real reason to kill

So what's the point in seeing blood spill?

Even scientist agree that towns with a death penalty have no deterrent effect

Also, say the man killed is innocent then the murder in incorrect

Why keep something so useless

Unless society is that ruthless"

     Jefferson smirked smugly at all of the applauds. Alex's almost hit that fucking prick. 

     "First of all I don't have gonorrhea, bECAUSE I'M A VIRGIN" Alexander said in the pit of his angry, without realizing what he just said. The whole class laughed, Jefferson just gave him a shit eating grin. 

     "I- okay. Hamilton it's your turn, son." Washington winked at Hamilton.

     "I'm not your son." Alex glared at the teacher. Okay, okay. So Thomas did a pretty good job... and insulted me a lot. Let's just do this. Alex took a deep breath and began,

"So I know were all wondering if this death sentence works,

Well I can assure you, it has some perks

Know lets say there was a murder running round town

Keeping him alive would give the people a frown

So what I'm saying is that this guy next to me is an idiot

Now I can name the reason, why, almost immediate

Why keep the psychopaths alive

It would only be a deprive

The right of lives that were innocent, for all of those who have been killed

The people would just be thrilled

To have that insane person no longer here

Or would you rather them live in fear

So Mr. Jefferson, do you believe good people should be left afraid?

Don't be mad, next time, just don't come so unprepared."

     There were a few claps, Laurens clapped the loudest. Alex knew he didn't do amazing, but maybe there was a chance. Just maybe...

    "Alright, alright, quiet down!" Mr. Washington raised up his arms. "Let's vote. I want everyone who thinks Jefferson to go to the right side of the room, Alexander on the left.... this way no one can cheat." 

     Everyone got up and walked to a side of the room. 1..2..3...4..5...6..7..8....9...10...12..13...16... Alex choked back a sob, Jefferson had 16 votes. Which meant he only had 6 votes, but Alexander didn't even bother look to the left... he just couldn't. Please, please, anything but this. Alex's eye were glued to the right side of the room, he couldn't look anyone in the eye. The whole room was silent for the remainder of the class. Alex felt the tears fill his eyes. He couldn't be in this room anymore. And as if his prayer were answered, the bell rang.

     The class room sprinkled out. John walked over, "Sorry buddy" He placed his hand on the smaller boys shoulder. Even Mr. Washington apologized to the poor boy. It was 4:40 when the classroom was just Alexander and Jefferson. 

     "So, Hot Cakes. You ready?" Jefferson smiled smugly at him. Fuck.


Word count: 154

Wow, I'm not much of a poet. I tried, hope you enjoyed!


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