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Alexander's P.O.V

     Alexander had been preparing  for this debate the past 3 days. He had rewritten it 16 times, Alexander just HAD TO beat Jefferson. It was already bad enough to lose to Jefferson, but now, with the bet and all, it would be humiliating. So, Alexander spent all his free time writing. Which wasn't different from his normal schedule, BUT NOW IT WAS INTENSE. 

    Alex shuddered imagining what Jefferson would do if he won. That jerk probably already had planned the horrific things he would do to him. So, Alex sat there at his desk at 3 a.m. writing his poem. Alex believed that  the death sentence did have some effect, but how to make a poem about it? He had done things like this before, but they weren't for the public eye! The competition was in 2 days and he barely had shit. He placed his head in his hands. Alex felt tears sting his eyes. No...

    Alex was going to get through this. He was going to write the best fucking poem to ever grace paper, even if it took him all night! With new determination, Alex wrote his poem non-stop. With the power of coffee and a hate for Jefferson, he finished his poem at 4 a.m.

Thomas's P.O.V 

    Thomas stumbled into his home at 4 in the morning, completely wasted. His thoughts were clouded and running every where. Part of him knew he should work on the debate thingy, but dammnnnnn did whiskey taste good. He collapsed on his bed, giggling like a maniac. The debate brought thoughts of Alexander and how he was going to crush that fucking son of a whore. Thomas laughed and laughed in his heightened state. 

   Thomas sat up suddenly, if he didn't have a speech... then he couldn't beat Alexander. But what was that damn topic? Thomas wobbly got himself up and grabbed the paper that Washington had given him from his desk. "Death sentence..." Thomas whispered. He probably should have done research, but he had been to busy planning his next trip to France...

     Franceeeeee... Thomas loved it there, the food and the culture and... food? Thomas was hungry, but he had ate his last box of mac n cheese already. Thomas feel down and cried... what the fuck was he doing? He tried to clear his head, but emotions and thoughts were all jumbled together. He needed to concentrate. But it was also a school night and Thomas had one more day to finish soooooo.... Thomas collapsed back on his bed.

     "I can beat Hamilton with one hand tied behind my back." And with that Thomas passed out.


Word count: 439

Sorry this one was so short, I promise the next one well be decently long. I'm actually pretty happy about this fanfic, so I hope you enjoy.


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